After describing Cassia’s near death before the Empress’s Court, she gave over to Rudhira, who spoke from his experience as a healer. Cassia thought she caught a hint of tension in Tendo’s aura then, but it was gone too quickly—and her senses were too full—for her to let it worry her at a moment like this.
Once Nike and Komnena had reinforced Rudhira’s testimony, Apollon was the last to speak on Cassia’s behalf. “I have seen Cassia face her Craving for my son with the same courage as she has withstood every challenge of her life. When she collapsed in her greenhouse, I helped her to her feet. Not because she lacked the strength to walk to Lio’s side on her own. But because she deserves a father who will always lift her up, fight for her, and make her road easier whenever he can.”
Cassia couldn’t have spoken around the lump in her throat. But she didn’t need to. She sent Apollon her gratitude in the Blood Union.
“Let my words seal Cassia’s place in our bloodline,” Apollon declared. “She is my Grace-daughter.”
Queen Soteira nodded, the golden stars in her crown of dark braids clinking. “Eight times has the truth been spoken. Let it be known for eternity that Cassia’s Craving for Deukalion is the Goddess’s Will.”
“Let your avowal chalice be brought forth,” Queen Alea announced, “that you may drink from the Goddess’s Cup together for all time.”
Uncle Argyros proceeded up the aisle, his long silver braid and gleaming robes swishing softly in the breathless quiet. Holding the long-awaited cup aloft for all to admire, he joined them inside the Ritual circle.
Cassia’s breath caught.Lio, how could you have been worried about this masterpiece?
You are happy with it?
It is…mesmerizing.
Blood and light flowed through the intricate botanical designs of the chalice, as if it were a living thing. Like their bond. Real rose petals, sealed inside the crystal clear glass, seemed to float. Not only the red roses that grew over their bed and the white roses of Sanctuary. But her black roses, too.
Silvertongue’s harsh gaze was now quiet with joy as he held the cup out to them. “Bind yourselves together with immortal strands, that neither of you shall drift through eternity alone.”
Lio lifted his braid from the cup, then Cassia took hers, their fingers brushing for a charged instant.
“Shed blood for each other,” Uncle Argyros said, “that neither of you shall ever thirst.”
They lifted their wrists to their fangs, and before the bites could heal, they joined hands. Lio held Cassia’s gaze as he knit his fingers through hers, gripping her tightly so they bled into the chalice.
“Cassia,” he began, “although I am known as Glasstongue, I struggle to find words worthy of what you mean to me. But I have always given you my truest words, however imperfect, ever since we first promised we would speak openly, honestly, without judgment. The trust you placed in me that night and every night since is the greatest gift of all. Let our first Oath to each other grow into this vow: I will always be honest with you. I will always be worthy of your trust. When you speak, I will make the world listen. When you fight, I will make your cause mine. And when you long for peace, I will be your Sanctuary. My love for you is as endless as eternity, and my vein will be your abundance for all time.”
He dipped his fingertips in the chalice, then lifted his braid to her temple. The fragrance of his blood wrapped around her, and she felt his caress as he sealed the symbol of his vows to her hair.
“Lio,” she said, savoring his cherished name on her tongue. “My soothsaying power may elude me, but know that I pour all my magic and all my Will into these words. When I was trapped in a life of silence, you heard me. Youlistenedto me. And in the safety you offered me, I found my voice. From the night we made our Oath, you showered me with gifts: your patience, your kindness, your faith in who I could become. You held methrough every transformation. Now I stand before you as my true self. With this power, I will keep you safe. I will hold you through your every ordeal. I will make all our promises come true. My love for you is as endless as eternity, and my vein will be your abundance for all time.”
Their blood was warm on her fingers. She held her own braid to his hair, pouring a drop of her Will and magic and love into her touch. She felt the moment when the spell took hold, and a sense of completion filled her.
“Redblood Deukalion,” Queen Alea said, “who is Whiteblood Cassia to you?”
“Cassia is my Grace,” he said before their Queens, their family, and all their people.
“Whiteblood Cassia,” said Queen Soteira, “who is Redblood Deukalion to you?”
“Deukalion is my Grace.” The words felt so good, so powerful, their secret truth finally made into Ritual.
“Let it be known that your Grace bond is true,” spoke Queen Alea.
“Drink before us in celebration of Hespera’s blessing upon you,” Queen Soteira declared.
Uncle Argyros placed the chalice in Lio’s hand. Cassia’s Grace lifted his creation to her lips. In their mingled blood, she tasted the hours of their lives, and she could name the sands he had halted forever to forge this glass. The crumbling stone of their shrine and its enduring Sanctuary magic. The sparkling black of Orthros’s beaches, their home. The crimson slivers of his shattered window, remade. Even the treacherous sands of the Maaqul, each grain holding mysteries they had yet to discover.
She held the cup to his mouth in return and watched him drink her blood for all to see. Deep beneath the earth, the Lustra thrummed, as if a witness under some enduring, natural law.
Lio wrapped his hand around hers on the cup and leaned down close for the final tradition of the ceremony. His kiss on her neck was chaste and tender, and yet the intimate brush of his lips, a promise of his bite, made her fangs throb.
She pressed her kiss to his throat and felt his pulse in his vein, knowing it would always beat for her.