Page 50 of Blood Feast

Lio considered the likelihood that Tendo would break his nose moments before the ceremony and deemed it low for Cassia’s sake, if not his own. So he decided it was safe to speak his mind. If there was ever a time to do so, it was tonight.

Lio clasped Tendo’s arm and pulled him in, saying in his ear, “Cassia and I may be first, but you and Solia are next. Don’t think we’ll ever give up hope of having you as a brother-in-law.”

Tendo swore at him, but didn’t punch him. And there was definitely a smile in his eyes.

The antechamber door opened, and Rudhira entered, dressed in his full formal red silks. But Lio glimpsed Tenebran ridingboots hidden under the hem of the prince’s robe, and there was still a whiff of adamas and castle stone about him.

“You made it,” Lio said with relief.

Rudhira grinned, his fangs out. “I would never miss my Ritual son’s avowal. The war mages will live another hour while we get you braided up.”

“In truth, I wouldn’t blame you if you preferred battle to avowals.” How his Ritual father must struggle every time he watched another youngblood find their Grace, when he had been waiting sixteen hundred years for his.

Rudhira’s aura gentled, and he shook his head. “Tonight, there is nowhere I would rather be.”

“What about Nike?” Mak asked.

“Every Steward is here, too,” Rudhira answered. “The Charge is holding down the border until after the ceremony.”

“Then we’re ready.” Mak shoved Lio toward the door. “Let’s get you to the Ritual circle!”

The truth sank in all at once. Everyone was here. Lio hadn’t ruined the ceremony. No necromancers or war mages or deposed kings were going to prevent it.

“I’m avowing Cassia tonight. Goddess bless.I’m avowing Cassia. Right now.”

Lyros looked at his Grace, his gaze softening. “Here’s our official advice. Enjoy every minute of it. The worst is about to get easier, and the best is yet to come.”

Mak took Lyros’s arm. “Don’t you ever claim I’m the only romantic one.”

As Lio Willed the door open and entered the Ritual hall, Cassia’s anticipation simmered in their Union.

Outside the main entranceto the Ritual hall, Cassia stood alone, as was tradition.

Lio touched her mind. The entire wondrous night seemed to pause, and they held their breath together.

It’s time,he said.

You’re ready?

I’ve been ready since the moment I met you. Do you, Firstgrace Cassia, want this for yourself?

At that echo of his words from their first dance, from his first bite, she smiled.More than I have ever wanted anything.

Come to me, my Grace.

The double doors swung open to the splendor of the Ritual hall. White spell lights and roses in full bloom levitated in the air above her path. A chant in the Divine Tongue drifted down from the clerestory. That hymn had been sung for thousands of years in Hagia Boreia, the Great Temple of Hespera where Anastasios’s bloodline had begun.

To demonstrate to all that she came to her Grace of her own free Will, Cassia walked forward on her own, escorted by no one but the Goddess in her blood.

Seeing the Whiteblood guests just inside, Cassia could scarcely believe how many were here asherfamily. Perita and Callen, her Tenebran confidants. Kella and the Ashes, her mercenary family, with their matriarch Ukocha, her daughter Chuma, and husband Mumba. And one winged prince Cassia would always consider her brother, no matter what his future held.

Her sister stood in front with Knight, a wreath of white silk and roses around his shaggy neck. With tears flowing freely down her cheeks, Solia was the first to stand aside and clear Cassia’s path toward Lio. The others followed, a demonstration of support. Of surrender, giving Cassia over to her eternal bloodline.

They murmured a farewell blessing to her in half a dozen languages. “May the Eye of Light reveal your path to your Grace.”

Cassia proceeded between them to meet the Redbloods. Her Hesperines. Relatives and tributaries of Blood Komnena had gathered under twinkling red spell lights and floating Roses of Hespera. Even solitary Kalos had braved the crowd, standing among the guests up in the gallery under her accidental skylight.

As she walked forward, the crowd of immortals parted like a crimson sea, their power washing over her. Their welcome blessing echoed through the hall in Divine in their eternal voices. “May the Eye of Blood sustain your journey with your Grace.”