Page 45 of Blood Feast

A laugh bubbled out of her. No mortal wedding for her. She was about to drink her lover’s blood in front of everyone in a circle consecrated to the profane goddess Hespera.

She had found her Grace, and tonight, she would finally get to say it to all of Orthros.

Komnena handed her a handkerchief. Cassia let out an exasperated groan at herself and wiped her eyes.

Solia patted her shoulder. “Let all the tears out now, before we get you dressed.”

Cassia squeezed her eyes shut. “Bleeding thorns, I had planned to be triumphant tonight, not dissolve into tears.”

“You’ve earned your tears, dear one,” Komnena said.

“I will allow myselfonecry. One.” Cassia’s shoulders shook.

“It’s all right,” her Grace-mother soothed. “We all wish Thalia were here tonight.”

Cassia sobbed harder. “Yes, but…I also didn’t think you and Solia and everyone else would be here. I thought tonight might never come. My life is so much better than I expected.”

“That and missing your mother can be true at the same time.” Solia wrapped her arms around Cassia. “I miss her too.”

“And Iris,” Cassia said through her tears.

Her sister’s aura panged with shared grief. “Yes. We can’t bring them back. But we can be here. All of us.”

Solia released her, only to go and open the door. Cassia caught the scent of indigo plants just before Kella rode in on Tilili. They were dressed in white Azarqi finery, from Kella’s flowing tunic to her cat’s silver-bangled saddle.

“You were able to leave the siege,” Cassia exclaimed in relief.

Kella’s deep blue lips curved in a smile. “And I brought a friend from Tenebra.”

When another mortal followed her inside, Cassia struggled not to start crying all over again. “Perita? You came to my Hesperine avowal?”

Her former handmaiden and oldest friend put her hands on her hips. “Of course, my lady. Did you think I would let anyone else dress you for such an important occasion?”

Cassia put her arms around Perita, careful not to jostle the infant her friend carried in a sling across her chest. Impressions of Perita’s aura washed over her, new and yet so familiar. Pretty spring flowers and herbs with bite. “Thank you for coming all this way—with a new babe—and leaving your duties—”

“I’d like to see anyone try to stop me. I’m sorry you and your Hesperine owl won’t get to have that Tenebran wedding you were planning on. But at least I can help with your avowal.”

“Is Callen with you?”

“He wouldn’t let me and little Callen out of his sight,” Perita confirmed, patting their son. “He’s with the other males, helping them make your Ambassador Fancy Soap even fancier for the ceremony.”

Cassia laughed. “I missed you so much.”

Perita sat Cassia down at the broad marble dressing table. “Where shall we start?”

“Can I help?” Zoe peeked out from under the table, where she was playing with her goats. Knight laid down on Cassia’s feet, and Zoe put her arm around his neck.

“Of course we need your help.” Solia smiled down at Zoe. “Cassia always helped me get dressed for important events when she was your age.”

Kia pressed a goblet into Cassia's hands. “Here’s something a little stronger than wine, guaranteed to relax Hesperines.”

“Sit back and bask.” Xandra draped a towel around Cassia’s neck, the soft fabric deliciously warm.

While Perita laid out hairbrushes and ribbons, the Hesperines passed little Callen back and forth, cooing over the tiny mortal with fanged smiles.

Nodora, clearly the one in command of the entire endeavor, gestured to the dazzling array of cosmetics she had prepared. “I brought a complete color selection from the Kitharan Theater. Only Matsu’s finest creations. This is the benefit of my Ritual mother being an icon of Hesperine fashion.”

Nodora had told Cassia of Matsu’s mortal life, when she had been born a man, only able to express her womanhood when she played feminine roles in the theater. As a Hesperine, Matsu could now live as her true self both on and off the stage, and shewas renowned for beauty spells and alchemy that helped every immortal lady feel like her best self.