Page 219 of Blood Feast

Mak ruffled her hair. “Then let’s give one more Cassia scheme a try.”


Lio let the veilsin his mind fall slowly. The specters stirred.

Cassia’s presence rushed into their bond, drowning out all else.Don’t ever shut me out like that again.

Her anger was so beautiful. Even her worry was comforting.

Lyros snickered. “You have that newly-avowed look on your face.”

“I’ve been such a fool.” Lio shut his eyes and tilted his head back against the wall, savoring Cassia’s emotions. He shouldn’t enjoy the burn of her Craving, but a base part of him did. Her hunger for him felt so good.

Where are you?she demanded.

With Lyros.

Now her surprise flashed through their bond.You turned yourself in?

No. Neither did he. We want to talk with you and Mak about what we should do next. That’s all we ask. That we decide as a circle.

Her relief warmed him from head to toe.I found Mak, and we have your weapons for you.

Lio opened his eyes, a smile spreading across his face. “It sounds like Mak and Cassia reexamined a few decisions, too.”

“He’s with her?” Now Lyros sounded like the one who was starving.

Lio frowned in concern. “Mak didn’t tell you?”

Lyros looked away. “He may not be a mind mage, but he can be more stubborn than anyone about keeping his thoughts blocked. I hurt him.”

“He hurt you, too.”

“That doesn’t matter now. Where are they?”

No sooner had Lio thought the question than Cassia envisioned where she was.

Lio hesitated.Are you sure that’s a good idea?

I can keep us safe here.

“They want us to meet them at Paradum.” Lio offered Lyros a hand and a levitation spell.

His face strained, Lyros let Lio help him up. “Let’s hope this goes better than last time.”

Focusing on their Graces’ auras, Lio stepped them both with his magic.

The Blood Moon shone on Cassia’s garden. The scene of their nightmares had become a dream. Her black roses had taken over the ground and walls, and the earth was full of her blood magic. She was waiting for him, his newgift, who had transformed here in his arms.

Beside her, Mak started toward Lyros.

Lyros held up a hand. “I’m all right.”

“He’s not,” Lio said. “He has magefire in his veins.”

Cassia gasped. “How bad is it?”

Lio didn’t have an answer. Mak didn’t wait for one before he scooped Lyros up in his arms. He gave his Grace one look, and Lyros didn’t protest the bridal carry. Instead, he wrapped his arms around Mak’s neck.