Miranda’s heart was thefirst that had awakened Cassia’s Hesperine empathy. Now that girl from her Gifting visions was here in the flesh. The full force of her emotions assaulted Cassia in the Blood Union.
Her sense of betrayal cut into Cassia, and she stood blind and dumb from Miranda’s hatred. She thought she might vomit from so much bitterness. It was so familiar. She had lived for years with that same poison inside her.
Miranda let her head fall back. Fire cascaded into her mouth. The mages went still, empty of magic, devoid of life. She licked her lips.
Suddenly Lyros’s spear flew toward her, a brilliant streak as fast as a lightning spell.
Her hand shot out. A gust of wind howled through the room and knocked Night’s Aim off course.
Lyros’s spear slammed into the floor. He raised his own hand and levitated the weapon back toward him. But a ring of fire sprang up around the Black Roses, and the spear rebounded off the flame ward to fall out of reach.
Phantom pain split Cassia’s skull just before Lio cried out and staggered backward. She caught her Grace as he slid to the floor.What happened?
He groaned, lifting a hand to his brow.She expelled me from Skleros’s mind.
Cassia cradled his head.How can she do that?
Mind magic…so much.
Mak stood over them, maintaining a ward, while Lyros dropped to his knees beside Lio. “Is he all right?”
Cassia took a breath to stave off her panic. “Miranda may not have the Collector’s favor, but she’s stolen more than enough power. Including mind magic.”
“I can fight.” With a snarl of effort, Lio levitated to his feet.
Cassia had fight left in her, too. As she had done on the roof, she called roses out of the magic in the temple’s seams, this time in the gallery behind Miranda.
“I will not let you ruin this for me,” Miranda spat. “Not again.”
Cassia’s vines had barely sprouted when Miranda swept fire around her, burning the plants before they could grow. How could she react so quickly to Cassia’s spells?
Miranda smiled. “I took your magic. The same magic you still have inside you. I can always predict your spells. I can always find you.”
Cassia’s skin crawled. She pressed a hand to her belly.
She was bound to Miranda, as long as the Collector’s Overseer possessed the plant magic she had ripped out of Cassia all those years ago.
Lio wrapped his armsaround Cassia as she swayed on her feet. All the horror of the night she had lost her magic came back to him. He had relived that moment with her, but he had not been there to save her.
He wanted to shout his fury at Miranda. But all he could do was reaffirm his oath in Cassia’s mind.I will make this right.I swear in Hespera’s name and by our Grace bond.
I can’t bear this. I need her out of my veins.
I will free you from Miranda once and for all.
Skleros backed toward the wall, his gaze darting between Miranda and the Hesperines. “So you’re in the mood for a challenge, are you?”
“No. I’m here to kill you.” Miranda pulled a weapon off her back. The digging fork’s long iron handle was scorched, and its tines were sharpened to wicked points.
Skleros wheezed a laugh. “Descending to Cassia’s level with gardening tools now, are you?”
Miranda traversed down to stand in front of him without breaking a sweat. Skleros pulled his executioner’s axe from his back.
Lyros caught Lio’s eye. “Plan four.”
Lio nodded in agreement, then Cassia, then Mak.
Shadow wards slammed down around them. Still holding Cassia, Lio stepped through the ring of fire with their Trial brothers. Lending all the power they had to each other, they drove through Miranda’s flame wards. Their opposing element seared his senses, but together, the Black Roses pushed through.