Page 17 of Blood Feast

“I am not. Taking you to safety was exactly what Lio should have done,” Solia replied, and he could not have been more in agreement. But he was not prepared for her next words. “And this is where I want you to stay.”

“What?” Lio and Cassia said in unison.

“Your part is done.” Solia spoke as if her word was already law. “I owe my throne to your diplomacy. Now we are at war, and your place is here. Help Argyros mediate between the Empire, Orthros, and my new Tenebra. Spend time with Zoe.”

“You need us,” Cassia protested.

“I’ve taken you away from your life here too many times. I won’t stand between you and Orthros any longer. I want you to leave the fighting to the warriors now.”

“Good luck with that,” Mak muttered.

He was right. No matter how much Cassia longed to stay in their tower, Lio knew she felt compelled to finish what they hadstarted. When she pulled him aside, he had no doubt what she would say.

She looked up into his eyes, resting her hands on his chest.I will stay here with you, if that’s what you want.

Lio’s mouth fell open. He put his hands over hers, speechless before his Grace for once.

I’ll stay right here,Cassia repeated.Not because Solia asked. Because you did.

He found his words.Could you really bear to do that?

What I cannot bear is hurting you.

I don’t want to hold you back from what you need to do.

What I need is to fulfill my Grace’s need.

His conscience needled him.I know I’m not the only person who needs you.

They all need you just as much. But you’ve put me first so many times. I’ll do the same for you in a heartbeat. I have Hesperine priorities now, my Grace.

Lio pulled her into his arms. At last, he hit the certainty that lay beneath all their anger and despair.

Her Giftinghadchanged everything—for her, too.

He had known she was his forever. But he hadn’t believed it. Not until this moment, when she stood ready to turn the entire world away for his sake.

My beloved scholar,she said,after all the times the world has tried to pull me away from you, I thought you might need a demonstration for the truth to sink in.

Thank you, Cassia.

Seconds were slipping past, and the battle was looming closer, along with the choice they must make.

Neither of them spoke, but in their Grace Union, they both knew the truth.

Who would meet their enemies in the Changing Queen’s forgotten halls? Who could possibly stand against anecromancer who was also a Mage of Dreams—a thelemancer with the power of the god of death?

No one could face the Collector as they could. She was the only Hesperine who wielded the power of the Lustra. He was the only immortal mind mage who had defeated Kallikrates before.

Their family needed them both. Not for their diplomacy, but for their power.

If you ask me to go with you,said Cassia,I will do that too.

We have to make this decision together,just like always.

Knowing we will put each other first, can we face what they need from us—together?

It would be too hard for you.