Page 162 of Blood Feast

Cassia drew her dagger. “Then they’re squatting in my keep. The letting site is mine. I will get us in and out.”

Lio closed his mouth. A slow smile spread across his face. “Well, I cannot argue with that. Lead on, Silvicultrix.”

Cassia half expected tofind Paradum in ruins. During her Gifting visions, she and Lio had watched her inner conflicts tear the place stone from stone. But outside that dream world, the small castle still stood, locked tight and eerily quiet. As the Black Roses approached on their horses, not even a night insect chirped.

All that had been destroyed was the letting site. The Lustra magic leeching from its wounds reached out, trying to catchCassia. She held herself back, her grip firm on her dagger to aid her self-control.

When they halted their mounts a safe distance from the castle, Freckles put her ears back. Switching her tail, she picked up her feet as if the ground were covered in nettles. The other Warmbloods were equally restless.

“It’s empty,” Lio said in surprise.

“Are you sure?” asked Lyros.

“Yes,” Cassia confirmed.

Knight let out a growl, pacing round and round the four riders.

Mak frowned. “If there’s no one here, what is he trying to warn us about?”

“Dockk,” Cassia called.

Knight backed away from the castle to stand close to her. She reached down to stroke him. The fur along his back stood on end.

A frisson of alarm went down Cassia’s own back. “This isn’t how he behaves when warning us of an enemy. It’s almost as if he’s…frightened.”

She nudged her horse to continue forward. Abruptly, Freckles shied. Struggling to keep her seat, Cassia patted the mare’s neck, murmuring reassurances.

Moonflower let out a whinny and began to buck. Lio levitated out of the saddle, landing a bit hard on his feet, and watched his horse bolt in the other direction.

Bear and General galloped after him with Mak and Lyros still on their backs. They were nearly over the next hill before the two warriors gave up trying to control their mounts and rolled out of their saddles.

Lio beat dirt off his robes. “Moonflower has never done that, not once.”

Mak popped back into sight next to them with Lyros at his side. “I can’t believe this.”

Lyros shook his head. “Nothing spooks Warmbloods!”

Only Cassia was still in the saddle. Perhaps it was the strength of Celeris in Freckles’ veins or her connection with Cassia. The little mare stood her ground, although she wouldn’t go a step nearer the castle. Through the Blood Union, Cassia could feel just how afraid Freckles was and how much determination it took her not to flee.

Cassia leaned down and pressed her cheek to Freckles’ neck. “You’ve proved your bravery today. I know you don’t want to be here. It’s all right if you go wait with the other horses.”

Freckles waited for her to dismount, then shot away and disappeared over the hill.

“What in the Goddess’s name is in that castle?” Lyros asked.

Cassia hugged Knight to her. “It’s the letting site. Animals can feel that there’s something wrong with it.”

Mak raised his eyebrows. “No wonder they aren’t using this place as a garrison.”

Lio rubbed the back of his neck. “I can feel the wrongness too.”

“You can?” Cassia asked.

He shivered. “Our bond makes me aware of it now.”

The four of them continued on foot, Knight growling at every shadow. Lio led them to a discreet entrance in the back wall. The door lay in pieces, the postern blasted apart and marred by scorch marks.

“Solia did that?” Cassia guessed.