Page 14 of Blood Feast

“Can I learn how, even if I’m not a thelemancer myself?”

“Certainly. I may be a warder and a warrior, but over a thousand years with Argyros have honed my mind as well. I can teach you some tricks. Thelemancers like Lio and Argyros could certainly get through those defenses if they wished, but our conscientious diplomats would never.”

“Of course not.” Cassia grimaced. “I’m more concerned about how easily my own thoughts leak out of my mind for him to see.”

“That I can help with. Here’s a quick tactic to help you right away. Focusing on something else is more effective than trying to avoid a certain thought. If you fill your mind with words or images to distract him, he’s less likely to notice the one you’re trying to keep from him.” Lyta added, “Have fun with that.”

Cassia grinned. “Oh, that’s a very good idea.”

She started by focusing her thoughts on something that wouldn’t draw his suspicion: a diagram of the greenhouse he, his father, and Mak were building for her. She ran through plant varieties and flower bed layouts, and Lio’s light touch upon her mind didn’t focus into full attention.

Once she got the answers she needed from Komnena, Cassia gathered her Trial circle around her. Before she had to ask, five layers of veils descended over them.

Xandra’s aura was bright with interest. “I know that look in your eye. You’re working on a scheme.”

“It’s clearly time for a strategy session,” Lyros agreed.

Cassia sent her gratitude into the Blood Union, so glad to now have this way of communicating when words felt insufficient. “Kia, I need you to inconvenience your mother.”

Her fangs flashed in a grin. “I thought you wantedmeto doyoua favor.”

“Mak, Lyros, I would like to employ the Stewards’ wards—not for battle, but romance.”

Mak gallantly put a hand to his chest. “You know you can rely on us in matters of love or war.”

“Nodora,” Cassia asked, “could I ask for one more encore of Lio’s and my favorite dance?”

She clasped her hands together. “Of course! It would be my pleasure.”

By the time they had decided all the details, Cassia was running out of rose arrangements to envision to distract Lio.

“You look like you’re about to strain a muscle,” Lyros observed.

“Or hit someone,” said Mak. “Give yourself some Grace, eh?”

“You all have my gratitude,” Cassia said before returning to Lio and Tendo.

She stopped fighting the Grace Union. As Lio’s thoughts and emotions flowed into hers again, she bit her tongue to keep from groaning with relief.

He slid his arm around her.You’ve been trying to hide from me, Lady Circumspect. Tired of my company already?

Did I seem tired of you when you fed me, right before we left the tower?She filled her thoughts with the sounds and sensations of their last, quick feast.

Lio rubbed his mouth.Ah, there’s only one explanation for those veiled conversations, then. You’re conspiring.

I was only talking with Mak about my greenhouses,she replied innocently.

That doesn’t explain how my mother and aunt are involved. Should I be worried what you three are about to unleash upon the world?

Oh, I was only getting some advice about Graced life now that I’m a happily paired immortal. They’ve been keeping your father and uncle happy and out of trouble for years, after all.She thought of magical explosions.

Why do you have a tendency to get me deeper into trouble?

Have you ever considered that makes you happier than staying out of it?

Tendo snorted. “You two have that lovesick look on your faces again. Mak, Lyros, get over here and talk to me about violence.”

Their Trial brothers joined them, Lyros raising his glass of wine to his Grace. “Mak isn’t always much help with that. He’s a hopeless romantic.”