“Shooter, when are you coming back in?” a whiny voice calls from the clubhouse door.
He turns to look at her, then turns to me with a smirk. “Sorry, man, looks like I’m needed, if you know what I mean?”
“Yeah, I know what you mean. I’ll catch you later.”
He reaches out his hand, and I accept it. “I’ll come by the garage next week, and we can talk more about joining this club.”
“Sure, I’m up for that.”
“Okay, brother.” He turns and strides to his girlfriend, who looks impatient. She has a smoke in her mouth, and long, black hair. All these women look the same to me. Except for Belle, who is naturally beautiful. Aside from a little lip gloss and black makeup around her eyes, she hardly wore any makeup. Who would have thought that the president would have a daughter who looks that beautiful?
There’s just something about her that has me wanting things I can’t and shouldn’t have.
Deciding I’m done for the night, I head to my vehicle. Just before I open it, the sound of a woman swearing has me looking over. All I can make out is a pair of legs under the hood of her car.
Deciding to help, I walk over to find out exactly what is wrong with her car. It’s dark aside from the light in their car.
“Hey, can I help y…”
I stop just as the female turns and looks at me. Familiar green eyes stare back at me, and I shake my head, thinking I’m dreaming.” Belle has grease smudged down her cheek, and her hair is in a high ponytail.
I can’t remember the last time I was as turned on as I am at this moment. My cock is so hard I can feel it grazing against my zipper.Fuck
“What are you still doing here? Didn’t my father scare you off?” she says, irritation in her voice. She turns back to her car, tapping her engine with something.
“Your old man doesn’t scare me,” I reply, and I hear a laugh come out of her mouth.
“Yeah, well, that will change.”
She bends over, trying to look deeper into her engine.
My eyes travel down her back to her ass that looks so good in her tight jeans. It’s round and full, and I picture myself running my hands down and over her naked butt cheeks.
Shit, I gotta stop these thoughts, or without thinking, I might have to make them a reality.
“Are you checking me out?”
Returning to the present, I find her looking over her shoulder at me, and I can’t lie because she caught me doing exactly that.
“What if I was?” I ask, my voice coming out husky and deep, a voice I don’t recognize.
She smirks and turns her body to face me, leaning against her engine.
“I’d say you have some kind of death wish. If my father…”
I take the step that’s between us until our noses are practically touching. “Your father what?”
Our lips are so close I can practically taste the minty gum she’s chewing on.
Her eyes move from mine to my lips, and she bites down on her bottom lip. That’s it. My cock has a mind of its own, and I feel it harden even more.
She tilts her head. “You do have a death wish, don’t you? If my dad saw us…”
I stop her words as I smash my lips against hers, unable to control myself any longer. She’s so gorgeous and sassy, and I need to shut her up with my lips.
I’ve never felt like this about any woman before. Not even with my ex did I feel this attracted to her.
She was beautiful in the girl-next-door-kind of way with blonde hair and blue eyes, but not as beautiful as the woman standing before me.