I might have gotten away from him tonight, but something tells me I won’t be able to keep him away for much longer.
I’ve considered talking to my dad about him, but he probably wouldn’t believe me. He’s known Mikki since he was young, and they’ve always been best friends. I can only imagine what Mikki’s response would be if my dad asked him about it.
Sighing, I let that go, grab my bag from under the counter, and decide to go to Pete’s tonight. Pete is the only person in my life I can call a friend.
I met Pete at the gym one day. At first, I thought he was hitting on me, but then I realized he was batting for the other team. I thought it was too good to be true—he was attractive as hell and had better hair than me. He said he had noticed me at the gym a lot and thought I looked lonely.He got that right.
To keep myself busy, I go to the gym almost every day, or whenever I get some time to myself or feel bored, and one day, Pete asked me to go for a coffee afterward. We hit it off right away. He made me laugh, which is something I rarely do, and we spoke about our pasts and what we want out of life.
Pete had a hard life. He comes from a very traditional Catholic family who is homophobic, so when he finally came out to his family, his mom and dad told him to pack his bags and leave their house until he sorted himself out. They didn’t want to know him. In their minds, they didn’t have a son anymore if that were the life he wanted to live.
My heart broke for him. Listening to how hard it was for him to tell his family that he was gay and finally had the nerve to tell them, they disowned him.
I know I haven’t had a good upbringing being raised in the club, but my dad has never disowned me or asked me to leave.
Pete had tears in his eyes when he told me his story but changed the subject when he noticed how sad it made me.
Usually, I wouldn’t tell anyone who my father is, but something about Pete made me want to open up to him. His eyes widened in shock, and his body language changed instantly. I explained how he had nothing to worry about and shouldn’t believe everything he heard on the news. Pete eased somewhat, but when I changed the subject back to him, that seemed to do the trick.
Ever since that day, it’s become a tradition to have coffee once a week and catch up. I’m so grateful I met him. He’s the only good thing in my life.
Walking through the crowded main room, I squeeze between people on the dance floor, ignoring people fucking against the wall or on the couch. I’ve gotten so used to this lifestyle that I don’t even blink an eye seeing naked people fucking in public.
Walking past the place the club calls Church, I hear my name being called out.
“Belle, get your ass over here.”
Taking a few steps back to look inside the room, I notice that it’s a full house in church tonight. I see my father in his chair next to the hot-as-hell man, Seth. Looks like the Montreal, Quebec Chapter arrived because Teller, the president, and Vicious, the VP, are in conversations with Lynx and Sue from North Shore. While Teller and Vicious are good-looking, Vicious is drop-dead gorgeous. It’s a pity he’s married—she is one hell of a lucky lady.
But even with these attractive men in the room, my eyes greedily want to look at one man who has captured my attention tonight, and that is Seth.
Knowing I need to focus my mind elsewhere, I take a few more steps to my dad and pass Blake on the way to him. It occurs to me that I haven’t spoken to him all night—probably for the best.
My dad waves me over, and I finally make my way to him. He grabs me by the waist and pulls me on his lap. “Dad, let me go. I’m not a little girl anymore.”
He laughs and points to Seth.
“Seth, this is my daughter, Belle, who I was telling you about.”
Seth looks up at me and smiles. “Nice to meet you, Belle,” he says.
“Likewise,” I reply, looking over my shoulder at my dad.
“Who’s this? Your new friend? Dad, are you trying to get another member to join?”
He laughs loudly. “Not Seth. He’s a bit too pretty for this club.”
The rest of the boys laugh around us, but my eyes are only on Seth.
This man is so fine.
How can I look anywhere else?
Chapter Nine
What the fuck is happening to me?