“Okay, shit. I need to call Ben and get things together. Remember the lighter, please.”
“Yes, I know. Don’t worry, I’ll have it on me.”
“Okay, good. Now go and get some rest before tonight. Sounds like it will be a late one.”
“Yeah, sounds like it. That’s a good idea. Right, okay, we’ll talk tomorrow. I’ll give you a call.”
“Okay, sounds good. Now, don’t forget the code word in case you run into any issues.”
“I won’t, Theresa.”
“I’ll see you later. Bye.”
Chapter Eight
It’s ten o’clock, and time is dragging tonight. I just want to finish my shift and get a good night’s sleep.
The crowd seems to be wild tonight—the music is blaring, and it’s packed with bikers from other visiting chapters.
I spot Blake, who’s already had a few too many and is on the dance floor with some whore attached to him. Not sure if it’s Honey or Lacey. Either way, they’re both skanks. It should upset me to see him with another woman draped all over him and kissing his neck. But it doesn’t. After our talk this afternoon when I explained what happened with Mikki, we both agreed we should calm things down for now, and I stressed that he needs to be seen with other women.
“Hey, darlin’, it’s a busy one tonight. Looks like it’s going to be an all-nighter. You might want to go sleep at a friend’s.”
“Ha, like I haven’t been around that before, Dad.” Pouring a beer, I slide it over to him on the bar where he’s taken a seat. He picks it up and skulls it, then slams it on the bar, sliding the empty glass toward me.
“Another, Belle.”
Hanging the dish towel over my shoulder, I pour him another beer and place it in front of him.
“Thanks, darlin’.”
“You got it, Dad.”
Getting back to serving, I ask Slick, another biker in the RBMC, what he wants. He orders a shot, and I pour it and hand it to him. He winks at me and slurs, “Baby, you’re looking extra hot tonight.”
“You fuckin’ got a death wish or something?” my father shouts at Slick, who is swaying on his feet. I should cut him off, but whoam I to tell him to stop? I’m not his old lady, and I sure as hell am not his president. His old lady is probably in bed as she’s eight months pregnant. But that won’t stop him from cheating on her with another woman tonight.
These men are not the faithful type. I doubt that if Kathy married Slick, it would stop him from cheating on her. She doesn’t complain, though. It’s expected for these bikers to cheat on their women and for them to turn a blind eye.
I honestly don’t know what the attraction is. Do they like men who treat them like shit? Maybe that’s it—the fact that they treat them badly which makes them want them more? That’s just sick, in my opinion.
Their goal is to become an old lady to one of the members. This is supposed to mean that they are their only woman, and he is their only man, and there’s no sharing. Not in this club but maybe in other biker clubs. It’s the lifestyle—late nights, parties, alcohol, and who knows what else.
I’m aware that not all biker clubs are like this. I’ve been around other clubs and see some of the men who are drop-dead gorgeous and sexy as hell. Unfortunately for me, even bikers from other clubs are off-limits.
I have no idea why, but I didn’t want to argue with Dad. Some things are just not worth arguing over. At the end of the day, my dad’s words are law around here, and when he says something, he sticks to it.
I continue serving drinks for another ten minutes when I notice a man I’ve never seen before walk in with Shooter. They’re making their way toward my dad. As I continue to stare, I can’t help but notice how attractive he is. He’s wearing black ripped jeans, a tight black T-shirt, and a leather jacket. His hair is practically shaved on the sides, with the top a little longer. There’s just something about him that has me only focusing on him.
He doesn’t fit in here. He looks like he takes care of himself. He’s clean, muscular, and takes pride in his appearance. Something that you don’t see around here. And he’s not a biker. Winning.
Adjusting my shirt, I try to make myself look presentable. If I knew we were having company like him tonight, I would have worn something nicer, not this off-the-shoulder, ripped T-shirt I pulled on at the last minute.
As the stranger approaches, his eyes are on my father, but as he reaches him, his eyes shoot up into mine, and I notice the lightest blue eyes I’ve ever seen. It’s as if time stands still, and we’re lost in each other’s gaze. My mouth goes dry, and I can’t explain what I feel. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way with just one look.