Page 12 of In Too Deep

Theresa and I make our way out of the diner while Ben pays the bill.

“You know, Cole, if you need me anytime, you can call. I want to know you’re okay, and I want you to check in with me. Beingundercover is not easy. It will play with your mind and make you question who you are. And you’ll have some very dark days.”

“Theresa, stop worrying.” I place my hand on her shoulder. “I’ve got this. I’ve commanded a whole team, been in battle, fought wars. I can do this.”

She leans in and hugs me, saying, “I know you can.” She pulls back, her arms still around my neck and my arms around her waist. Her eyes are studying me.

“You’re family to me, Cole, and if anything happens to you because of me, well… I won’t be able to live with that.”

“Nothing’s going to happen to me. I promise you that.”

She smiles and pulls away. “Just promise me if it gets too much, you’ll let me know, and we’ll do everything we can to get you out of there safely.”

“Ready?” Ben asks as he makes his way toward us.

“Sure,” Theresa says, and Ben reaches his hand to mine. I don’t want to shake his hand, and if I am honest, the reason why is because I straight up don’t like him. He’s got it in for me, that’s for sure. But I do the right thing and shake it.

“Get some rest tonight. It might be the last time you sleep easily.”

Ignoring him, I lean in and kiss Theresa’s cheek before I turn around and head toward my motorcycle.

Chapter Five


Grabbing the keys from my leather jacket, I unlock the garage door to my new working residence—Prestige Bike Repairs.

Rolling up the door, it makes a crashing noise once it reaches the top.

Stepping into the garage, I make myself familiar with what’s inside.

Two motorcycles that look like they’re currently being worked on have parts on the floor beside them. There’s a computer in the corner with a desk and some electronic equipment on top, which I assume is to service the bikes. To the left is one of the largest toolboxes I’ve ever seen. Opening it, I find it’s filled with specialty tools to work on bikes that are nice and shiny, proving they are brand new. This must have cost a fortune. The wall at the back of the shop is covered by a mesh gate, and rows and rows of parts are sitting in there.

With my T-shirt on, I make my way to the door that’s shut to the right-hand side of the garage and turn the door handle, but it’s locked.

Using the same key, I open the door and find an office. It’s clean and smells like it too. Not what you expect from a mechanic’s office. They must have cleaned this place when he left to get it ready for me.

A filing cabinet is in the corner, and I walk over to it to check if it’s unlocked. It is, so I slide it open and see files stacked alphabetically. A name catches my eye under the letter R, so I pull it out to get a closer look and read RBMC. Opening the folder, I read an invoice with a list of parts and services made for a couple of bikes. It also says paid-in-full by cash. Focusing further, I notice the date of it was only last month.

Luckily, I know everything there is to know about motorcycles from my experience with running a garage. I did a mechanical trade when I was a teenager and learned from a young age how to service them, including Harley-Davidsons, which is what most of the RBMC ride. Motorcycles have always been a passion of mine, which is why I got my first one as soon as I could get my license.

“Hello!” I hear a voice call out, and I quickly place the invoices back in the folder and shove it back in the drawer.Theresa was right, the previous owner serviced the RBMC motorcycles.

“Hello, anyone here?” I hear again.

Turning back around, I make my way outside the office and see a young man who looks half my size and is wearing a T-shirt, just like mine, standing in the center of the garage. He’s wearing a cap and black working pants. Theresa never mentioned I would have company.

“Who are you?” I ask, glaring at him.Does he work here?

“I’m Tyler, I’m your new engine mechanic,” he says, then adds, “Theresa and Ben know me. Didn’t they mention me?” He shakes his head. “That would be right. They always forget about the small guy.”

I guess he got the name small guy right because, well, he is short and kind of lanky.

To be safe, I don’t mention Theresa and Ben. I mean, they never mentioned I was going to have company here. How do I know this isn’t a trick?

“Sorry, I don’t know who Theresa and Ben are.”

He laughs. “You’re good. Geez, you’re good. Theresa said you would be good at this undercover assignment.”