“My cousin, Luke, was part of the RBMC, and all he did was talk about how cool it was and how people respected you with this patch,” he explains, pointing to the patch on his vest.
“He made it sound like heaven. They give you a place to stay, and you don’t have to worry about money anymore because they look after you. I couldn’t wait to join, so one day, I asked Luke how I could become a member, and he said he’d speak to the president for me. He did just that.” He smiles at the memory. “Luke approached Vinney and asked him if I could join. The next day, I became a prospect and never looked back.”
“Wow, is that how easy it is?”
He eyes me with curiosity in his stare.
“Why you asking? You interested? You want to join this club?” He laughs. “Not sure this lifestyle is what you’re after.”
He takes his beer to his lips and has another swig. I follow and do the same.
Shrugging, I reply, “I’m not so sure about that. I think I could handle the lifestyle.”
“You think? Are you saying you want in?”
Shrugging, I inhale my smoke with my other hand. “Not sure, but so far, I like what I see.”
He smiles and continues to smoke. I wait for him to say something, but he doesn’t. Have I gone too fast? Is he going to be suspicious? He takes another drag of his smoke and steps closer to me. His face is clear of any expression.
Then he smirks and taps his hand on my back. “The club would be lucky to have you, Seth. Could use your talent here.”
Glancing around the garage, I see stripped bikes with parts on the floor.
“Should I be worried?” I ask, waving at the bikes. “You boys running a service business here?”
Finishing with the smoke, I throw the butt to the ground and step on it, then walk around the garage looking at the work that they’re doing. It doesn’t make sense to me. It seems like they’re putting on the same parts that they’ve taken off.
“Listen, I think it’s time we get out of here. My woman will be looking for me.”
I can’t help but feel he’s trying to hide something, but I don’t push. It is my first time here, and I don’t want him to think I’m pressing for information. Well, I am, but I don’t need him to know that.
“No worries, brother. I should go anyway. I’m beat.”
Helping him cover his car again, he asks, “I know you said in there that you don’t have a woman, but is that true?”
Shaking my head, I say, “Nah, not me.”
“Don’t tell me you like men?”
Laughing, I reply, “No, brother. I like women, but I’m just not with anyone right now.”
“Well, like Prez said, there’s plenty in there, if you want?” He points his thumb to the clubhouse.
“I’ll pass tonight. I’ve got an early one tomorrow.”
This time, when we step out of the garage, he pulls the roller door down, and bends to lock it.
Standing back, I watch as he clips the keys to his jeans hook and covers them with his cut.
“Listen,” Shooter says, his face now serious. “If you’re serious about joining the club and want to be part of our brotherhood, I’d be happy to have a word with Vinney.”
“I appreciate that, Shooter. Means a lot.”
“Let me think on it. I have my garage and life.”
“What life you talkin’ about? Garage, I understand, but it doesn’t sound like you have much of a life going on,” he teases. “Plus, this will be your new family. We take care of our own.”