Page 27 of In Too Deep

“That’s fuckin’ right,” another voice says further down the table, who I think Vinney introduced as Blake.

My eyes focus on a man who’s standing in the corner, Mikki, the asshole who I had to save Belle from. Does Vinney know that his VP is trying to hook into his daughter?

There’s something about him that rubs me the wrong way. I thought Vinney would be the one I’d be uncomfortable with, but it seems like the VP is the one I need to watch out for. And the way he’s glaring back at me, it seems like he doesn’t like me one bit.

“Listen, Seth. How long have you been here in Toronto?”

“I was born and raised here.”

“Any family?” he asks, and I have to be careful how I answer this.

“No, my parents are dead and no siblings.”

He cocks an eyebrow. “And you mentioned earlier today you have no woman?”

Leaning back in my chair, I shake my head. “That’s right, not at present.”

“That’s the way. Women are good for one thing, and one thing only, and that is fucking.”

Members in the room all laugh in unison, agreeing with their president. I know all about his past from what I read in the folder Theresa gave me. I know he lost his wife when Belle was young and hasn’t remarried.

“Yeah, well, I have a woman. Peggy. She keeps my bed warm, but she doesn’t own me. I’m free to fuck whoever I want. Isn’t that right, boys?”

They agree by tapping their fists on the table and shouting their answer.

“I’m happy to share our women with you tonight if you want to wet your cock, but be careful which one you choose. Some of them might have crabs, and you don’t want that shit on your cock.” He laughs, and I join him, hoping like hell they don’t actually force me to sleep with any of the women out there.

Sure, I might have my pick. I saw the way the women were looking at me out there and trying to grab my attention, but I ignored their advances and pushed through them. They stunk of sweat and cheap perfume—not my kind of woman at all.

We continue talking for a little while longer, and I ask questions, but nothing too personal as I don’t want them to be suspicious of me. I find out that the club has been going for generations, and he’s the fifth president of the RBMC. But I learned nothing I could take back to the RCMP. He’s clever, he’s watching what he says, even though he’s had a few beers.

We head back out to the main room, and a woman who I can only describe as half of Vinney’s age slides up against him seductively.

“Hey, baby, you’ve been ignoring me all night. When are you going to dance with me?”

She kisses him deeply, and I look away, unable to keep my eyes on the couple. I saw her earlier behind the bar with Belle.

She has long, bleached-blonde hair with green eyes, and she’s wearing way too much makeup.

Her skirt is so short that you can see the bottom of her ass cheeks, and when she comes up for air, she looks over at me, smiling.

“And who do we have here?” Her eyes travel the length of me before falling back on mine.

“Don’t you worry, darlin’, he’s not yours to play with.” He slaps her ass, and she cries out.

He kisses her again deeply, and his hands play with her under her skirt, not caring that he’s in a room full of people.

“Hey, brother, let’s go get another drink,” Shooter asks, and I’m happy for the interruption. Standing here while they’re practically dry-humping makes things awkward.

We head to the bar, finding no one there to serve, so Shooter walks around it and grabs two beers, then yells above the music, “Let’s head outside.”

Following Shooter outside the clubhouse, I notice there are a few people outside smoking, drinking, or playing cards. There’s laughter, and I notice two men fighting each other while a woman holds one of the men back.

“Um, should we do something about those two?” I ask, tipping my head to the two men fighting.

“Nah, they’re good.” Shooter lifts his beer to his lips and takes a swig. “Let me show you our garage, where we do some work.”

“Cool, lead the way.”