“What the fuck do you want?” Mikki growls, his lanky body barely able to stand up with all the alcohol he’s drunk.
The stranger ignores his question and stares at me over Mikki’s shoulder. Anger radiates through him. I could basically see him tense up from the minute he saw me in here. His fists are clenched beside him, and those beautiful light blue eyes that were looking at me earlier are now dark with rage.
“Are you okay?”
“What the fuck is it to you? Get the fuck out of here, fucker.”
The stranger’s eyes leave mine and move to Mikki. Shit, he’s going to hit him. His fist is opening and closing like he wants to do exactly that.
“I’m sorry, I must have gone to the wrong door. I needed to drain the head.”
“Wrong door, fucker. Now leave,” Mikki growls.
His eyes flick back up to me, and he says, “Your old man’s asking for you. You are his daughter, right?”
Nodding, I step forward, leaving the glasses behind, and walk toward him. Mikki grabs me by the arm.
“We will pick up where we left off, sugar.”
Pulling my arm away, I say, “In your dreams,” then follow the stranger out of the kitchen. Looking around, my father isn’t anywhere in sight.
I turn to the stranger. “I thought you said my father…”
“I lied,” he replies, and his voice does things to me. It’s deep, husky, and sexy as hell.
“So how…”
“I saw Mikki follow you into the kitchen and shut the door. I had a feeling he was up to no good.”
Wow, this man doesn’t know me at all, comes to this club for the first time, and doesn’t realize that he’s just pissed off the club’s vice president. He definitely has a death wish. My heart warms at the fact he knew I was in danger and checked on me. Something no other has ever done.
“I’ve… I’ve…”
“You’ve what?” he asks.
“I’ve just never had anyone look out for me before.”
His eyebrows raise, and he smiles. “Belle, isn’t it?”
Smiling, I reply, “Yes, how did you know?”
“Your father told me. I asked who you were.”
My eyes widen. “You did? Did my father tell you to fuck off?”
He smiles wider, and goddamn, he has pearly white teeth, something you never see around here.
“Where did you come from?” I ask, feeling my cheeks heat with embarrassment.Why am I acting like a schoolgirl?
“I’m Seth,” he says, reaching out his hand to mine. I take it and shake it, and it’s as if electricity runs through me. Surprised, he looks up at me, and I realize he felt it too.
“Did you feel that?” I whisper.
A look of panic covers his features. “Sorry, I have to go. Your father told me to meet him outside after I supposedly had to go to the toilet. Nice to meet you, Belle.”
And just like that, he turns and walks around the bar, heading outside.
“Who in the world is that hot-as-hell man?” Peggy asks, and suddenly, I remember my shift is over. Turning to look back at the kitchen, I notice Mikki has left.