Tyler laughs and then straightens. “In all seriousness, Seth, don’t fuck with these men. Just listen and answer their questions. Don’t try to act like a know-it-all. They hate that.”
He looks nervous.
“If you say anything they don’t like or don’t trust you, they will let you know it. And I don’t mean let you know by using theirwords, I mean by using this.” Tyler fists his hand, displaying exactly how they communicate.
“Right, well, let’s not give them a reason to use their fists.”
My eyes focus on Theresa, then on Ben, and back to Tyler.
“Any chance you know when we could expect them in here next?”
“Sure do.” Tyler points to one of the bikes that has parts around it. It’s one of the bikes I noticed when I walked in.
“See that bike right there? That bike belongs to Shooter. He’s the road captain. Vinney wanted to treat him to a new exhaust for better air intake. From what I understand, Vinney wanted these upgrades because Shooter made some money for the club, but that’s all I was able to find out.”
“When they’re around, do they do much talking?”
“If you’re asking if they talk about their business, then it’s a flat no. All they talk about is bikes.
I’m a little scared of the vice president, Mikki, though. I don’t like the look he gives off.”
“What look?” I ask, interested.
“That crazy look, like he’s high on something. He always smells of beer and sweat.”
“He’s probably high on something.”
We continue chatting for a little while longer when Ben announces they need to leave.
“Oh, I nearly forgot,” Ben states. “Here’s the lighter you wanted. Spencer did a good job.”
Bringing the lighter closer to get a better look, I notice it’s a flip lighter with a Harley-Davidson image on it. I flip it open and light it up.
When I mentioned tapping a lighter rather than a cell phone, I wasn’t sure it would work.
Peering up at Ben, I ask, “Where the hell is the mic in this?”
He smiles. “It’s in there. Spencer had some trouble, but he managed it.”
Smiling, I reply, “He did well.”
He turns to walk away, saying, “I’ll tell him you said that.” Then he disappears out of the garage and into his car.
Theresa lifts a phone out of her pants pocket and hands it to me. “Take this.”
“I told you I’m not carrying…”
“There’s no microphone in this. It’s a phone you can use as Seth Hawkins. I’m in the phone as your landlord,” she explains.
“I’ll reach you on this but call me anytime you need to talk.”
Looking into her eyes, I reply, “Thanks.”
She replies with a smile, thanking me with her eyes. I nod and walk her out of the garage to her car. She opens the passenger side door, takes a seat, and shuts it. I wave them off as they reverse, knowing there’s no turning back now.
Chapter Six