Oh God, please don’t do this, Domenic.
“Do we have a problem here, boys?”
Looking over Domenic’s shoulder is Coach, who seems concerned with the body language the boys are displaying with their pissing contest.
“Nah, Coach, was just introducing ourselves to the photographer here.”
Coach turns to me then back to the boys. “Stop mucking around, get your asses over to hair and makeup. We don’t have time to waste.”
“Makeup? I’m not putting on any damn makeup.”
Coach points his finger at Julian. “Get your ass into makeupnow. Don’t make me tell you again.”
Looking defeated, Kyle and Julian both head toward the makeup and hair staff, and when they leave, Coach blows out a long breath.
“Sorry about that, Chloe. These boys can be a handful at times.”
I wave my hand. “Please, don’t worry. I’m going to set up over there,” I reply, pointing to where the lights and equipment are located. Leaning down to grab my tripod, I hear a woman’s voice yell, “Domenic, surprise!”
Looking over my shoulder, a female who’s tall with brunette hair runs toward us wearing tight blue jeans with a white linen shirt and a leather jacket. Her wide smile shows off her beautiful white teeth, and I recognize her instantly.Cassandra.
The rest happens in slow motion.
Without a glance my way, her eyes lock on Domenic’s, and in one swift movement, she jumps into his arms and kisses him deeply.
Jealousy runs through my veins at the image before me.
Her hands are around his neck.
His hands are under her butt, keeping her in place.
This can’t be happening.
Not here and not now.
Finally, she breaks the kiss saying, “Surprise,” again.
Felling like the wind has been knocked out of me, my feet take a few steps needing desperately to get away from this situation. Domenic looks over at me, his eyes show sadness. I can’t blame him for Cassandra being here, I mean, he was still with her last night when we made love, and I knew that.
The idiot that I am, I forgot that she even existed, and I guess so did Domenic.
Until now.
“Babe?” Cassandra’s hands force Domenic’s eyes to look at her. “Aren’t you happy to see me?”
Domenic’s eyes leave mine and turn to hers, and he smiles. “Of course, I am, you caught me off guard, that’s all.”
Leaning into him, she kisses Domenic, and the sight causes me to feel physically ill.
This can’t be happening.
Not right now.
Not here in front of everyone.
I can’t do this.
Turning away to try and shield myself from the sight, I pick up my tripod and camera, hoist them onto my shoulder and force my feet to get as far away from them as I can.