Page 25 of One Last Chance

That he loves me?

Misses me?No, not that!

Only that his body craves mine.

“Domenic, what do you want from me?” I ask, tears pooling in my eyes. One releases from my eye and run down to my cheek.

He leans in kissing it away, his tongue strikes out following its trail. He leans in and pulls my hair away from my neck, nibbling on my earlobe before he says, “What I want is one last chance, Chloe. With you.” He looks at me, deep into my eyes, and it makes my heart skip a beat. I’m hanging onto every word he’s saying. “Please, will you give me that?”

Shocked and confused, I frown, trying to gauge whether he’s being serious or not. I don’t see any hint of sarcasm in his features, but I look down, trying to figure out what to say.

Part of me is ecstatic, over the moon, thrilled.

But the other part of me wonders, could this ever work?

Our lives are so different.

Domenic’s life is here. He’s the star of Vixen Rapids, and I have my life in New York. I love my job, and I wouldn’t want to leave it to move back here. But could I? Could I give it up to be with him?

We’ve grown, we’ve moved on with our lives.

Who are you trying to kid, Chloe?You love him, and you would do anything to be with him.

“Chloe, look at me,” he rasps, gripping my chin and forcing me to meet his gaze. “I want you, Chloe. I love you. You’re it for me. I can’t move past this, and I won’t give up on us, on what we could be together. Please, Chloe, will you do this for me and give me one last chance?”



Turn the page…



With my eyes still closed, a smile plays on my lips when my hands hit the headboard as I stretch out in bed. Memories of last night come to mind as I think about exactly what I used that headboard for. My hands had gripped onto it as I made love to Chloe repeatedly. It was magical, the best night of my life, and the sex, well, that was something else.

It was Chloe’s first time, and she had chosen me to be her first. But you would never have known it because of the way her body responded when I finally made her mine.

Slightly opening my eyes, I turn to face her, and when I do, I find the bed is empty. The smile I had planted on my face seconds ago fades slightly when my hand slides over the cool sheets.

She must have left a while ago.

Sitting up in bed with the sheets low on my waist, my eyes adjust to the light that’s streaming through my bedroom window.

“Chole?” I shout, hoping for some sort of response. “Chloe?”

Dread fills me when nothing but silence is returned. There’s no sound of water streaming from the shower, no rustling of clothes as she gets dressed.

Simply nothing.

Naked, I jump out of my bed and stride to the bathroom door, hoping I may not have heard correctly, and perhaps she’s drying off.

Knocking, I ask, “Chloe, are you in there?”

With no answer returned, my hand grips the doorknob, and I swing it open wide. The room is empty, and there’s no evidence that anyone has been in here. No water on the glass cubicle shower walls, no fog on the mirror from the hot water, everything is how it was last night when I got dressed for the party.

Panic fills me at the thought that she’s left without saying goodbye.But why?