Something must click inside of her because suddenly I see the switch in her eyes, and as her tears fall, she swipes them away angrily. “Well, wait till Daddy hears about this.”
She turns to storm away, but I keep her from doing so. “What are you saying, Cass? This has nothing to do with your father. This is between you and me. Your father has nothing to do with it.”
Again, she pulls away, her eyes now wide and full of emotion. I don’t know if she wants to cry or slap me.
“Remember, Domenic, I’m not the one who ended this, you are.” She lets out a bitter laugh. “Can’t wait to see what Daddy does to your career when he hears about what you did.”
Before I can say another word, she’s storming off down the hallway and out of my sight.
Feeling frustrated, I grip the top of my hair and pull hard.
“Shit! Shit! Shit!”
“Game day, baby.”
Tracker’s driving Sophia’s car again as we head to the stadium for the game. Tracker is so excited that he wore a Vixen Rapids’ jersey.
Now and then, he looks at me through the rearview mirror and says something like, “It’s game day.”
Last night was so great. It was good to get together with the girls and let our hair down. It has been a while since I’ve had a girls’ night out other than a drink after work with my fellow colleagues. With me traveling for work, making friends was something I struggled with. So last night was so much fun that I decided I was going to make an effort and make sure I keep in touch with Sophia and Megan once Domenic and I decide what we’re going to do with our relationship.
I’m not sure how we are going to juggle our lives so we can be with one another, but I want to work on it. It’s time I put myself first and be with the man I love.
I hope everything went well with Cassandra.
Last night when I arrived back at the lodge after a night of dancing, I was disappointed that Domenic wasn’t there waiting for me. I was desperate to find out how it all turned out with Cassandra. When I tried to call him, he didn’t answer me either.
This morning I decided to visit my parents. It’s been a while, and I would have hated for them to find out I was here in Vixen Falls and didn’t take the time to visit them—they would never forgive me if I didn’t make an effort.
I filled them in on the photo shoot and that I had met up with Domenic, and my dad was over the moon about it. He mentioned again about the day I left to go to New York and how Domenic was trying to find me. He raves on about how Domenic would be a good catch and how I should move back to Vixen Falls, but I know it’s because my dad loves football, and he’s been following Domenic’s team and career like everyone else in this town. He’s such a huge fan, so much so that he never misses a game when they play in their hometown.
My father offered to drive me to the game today, but I had already organized with Sophia and Tracker that I would go with them, so I told my parents I’d find them at half-time.
Taking another glimpse at Tracker through the rearview mirror, I can’t hold back my smirk. He’s so tall that his head is hitting the roof of Sophia’s car.
“What are you smiling at?” Tracker asks.
Looking out the window, I giggle. “Oh, I don’t know, maybe the fact that a bad-boy biker is wearing a Vixen Rapids’ jersey and is driving Sophia’s yellow Jeep.
Sophia and I both break out in laughter as she looks at me over her seat. “You read my mind, Chloe.”
“Hey, girls, don’t go dissing me. A man can’t pay to look this good.”
“Yeah, babe, you’re right there.”
Sophia leans into Tracker and places a kiss on his cheek.
“You’re absolutely right,” I add but look away, hoping he won’t see me trying to hold back my laughter.
Ten minutes later, we arrive at the football stadium.
Butterflies form in my stomach at the thought of seeing Domenic again. I hadn’t had a chance to speak to him properly since last night when we kissed, and he promised he was going to work everything out. We spoke briefly this morning, but it was to discuss our ticket arrangements for today and that he had left them with the cashier, but then he abruptly told me he had to go because he was running late for a meeting.
I don’t know why, but part of me felt like he was using the meeting as an excuse to end the call. I’m probably being silly and overreacting, which I tend to do, but something is off, and I hope it doesn’t have anything to do with Cassandra.