“Sure, man. Come on in. I’m Tracker, by the way.” He places his hand out for me to shake, and I accept it and introduce myself, “Domenic.”
“I know who you are, brother. You’re the quarterback for Vixen Rapids. Good to meet you.”
“You gotta game tomorrow, don’t you?”
Nodding and stepping further into the room, I place my hands in my pockets, looking around the room for Chloe. When I see her pulling on a jacket over her hot-as-hell black dress that ends just above her knees, showing off her beautiful slim legs, my stomach does somersaults. I wish to hell it was just Chloe and me tonight, but if it’s with the group of us, I’ll take it. Right now, I’ll do anything to be with her.
“Dom, you hear me, brother?”
This guy sure likes to use the word brother, and he doesn’t even know me. I guess it’s a biker thing?
“Yeah… I’m playing tomorrow.”
Tracker taps me on the back. “Good luck. I’d love to see that game.”
“If you want to come to the game, I’ll see if I can get you tickets.”
Tracker’s eyes light up. “Really? Thanks. Babe, you wanna go see a game with me?”
Sophia leans into him in an intimate gesture, then faces him fully. “I thought you and I were gonna spend some time alone tomorrow?”
Tracker places his hands around Sophia, bringing her in closer to him, and he kisses her on the lips, saying, “Oh, we will, don’t you worry about that.”
My eyes travel to Chloe, who’s looking at me, but then quickly averts her eyes when I catch her staring.
“Brother, can you get two tickets? Wanna bring Soph with me. I don’t get to see her much, so I’d appreciate it if you can get an extra ticket.”
Raising my palm and wave, I say, “Sure, no problem.” I quickly type a text to Coach and ask him to get three tickets for tomorrow’s game, one for Chloe in case she forgives me by tonight.
He responds immediately and texts, “On it.”
Tracker kisses Sophia, but this time the kiss turns hungry, and it makes me feel a little uncomfortable as if I’m intruding on their privacy.
“Shall we?” Chloe interrupts as she nudges Megan, whose eyes are glued to the couple.
Chloe brushes past me and opens the door once again. Megan follows her and then Sophia.
Tracker steps closer and taps me on the back, saying, “You got a lot of making up to do. We heard the whole story when we got here. Brother, you’ve got your hands full with that one.” His eyes flick to Chloe.
He laughs, and I laugh as well, “Oh, don’t I know it.”
Tracker cocks his head to the side. “You serious about her?”
I raise an eyebrow. Is this scary biker seriously having a heart-to-heart with me right now?
Nodding, I let out a sigh. “Yeah, dead serious. I love her,” I admit.
Tracker lets out a whistle. “Fuck, man, you used the L-word. You’re definitely a goner. You got a huge night ahead. But remember, you have the big game tomorrow, no pussy should interfere with you getting a touchdown, you hear me?”
I laugh. His use of words is so straight forward, and I like it.
Then I wonder how in hell Sophia met him.