“Suit yourself. You know where we’ll be if you change your mind.”
Nodding, I stand once I have finished dressing and grab my bag. “Yeah, I do. Let’s hope I won’t need to join you.”
“It’s like that now,” Julian adds.
“Yeah,” I reply, hoping that I won’t need to join them if things go well tonight. I had planned to take Chloe out to dinner then let her go do her girl thing with Sophia and Megan. I had planned to spend the night with her and meet her back at the lodge after her night was over, but it looks like that won’t be happening. Not if she’s still angry with me.
Just the thought of not being with her has me nervous. I’m scared she’ll do something drastic again and leave without a goodbye.Fuck, I need to man up.
Heading outside with the boys, I curse under my breath.
“What is it?”
Turning to face Kyle, I answer, “I have no ride. Yo, can you give me a ride to my place?”
“Yeah, no problems, Dom.”
Following Kyle to his SUV, we say bye to Julian, who heads to his car.
As Kyle unlocks the door, my phone vibrates, and I quickly look at it, hoping it is Chloe. It’s not, it is my mom wishing me luck for the game tomorrow. My folks usually come to all my games, but they’re currently on a cruise in the south of France, so they will miss this one.
God, I want to call Chloe so bad.
Giving in, I quickly dial her number before I get in Kyle’s truck.
Hearing Chloe’s voicemail is not a surprise, but I decide to leave a message anyway.
“Hey, Chloe… look, I’m sorry. I want to take you out to dinner tonight just like we discussed. Please, give me a chance to talk to you.” Ending the call, I place the cell back in my pocket and take a seat in Kyle’s truck.
Kyle stares at me with a smirk on his face. “Man, you’re in some deep shit.”
“Mind your own business, man.”
“Yeah, deep, deep shit,” he states and then laughs before he starts up his truck and takes off.
Switching on the lights to my apartment, I drop my bag in the hallway then make my way to the kitchen where I grab a bottle of water from the refrigerator. With the bottle in hand, I head out to my balcony and feel the cold wind hit my skin. It’s good. It makes me feel alive.
Ahead in the distance, the falls are in full view, giving me a spectacular view of the mountains, and to my right, I can see the Vixen Rapids’ football stadium.
When I bought this apartment, it was the view that sold me. At only twenty-three, I had a car and apartment that’s fully paid for. I’ll admit, I’ve done well for myself at such a young age. But what sort of life will it be if I don’t have Chloe beside me?
Looking at my watch, I see that it’s late and quickly head to my room to change into something decent, and head to the lodge where Chloe is staying. I know it’s a long shot, but If I can just get her to come out to dinner with me and explain that Cassandra no longer means anything to me and that I want her, then I’m hoping things will go back to how they were.
Inhaling, I knock on Chloe’s door.
Laughter sounds from behind the door, and women’s voices along with a male’s voice reach my ears. Jealousy overwhelms me, and I knock again, but harder this time.
“Sheesh. What’s the emergency?”
Chloe stands there with door in hand as she takes me in. “Oh, it’s you.”
It’s you?
“I don’t want to see you. Please, leave.” She tries to slam the door in my face, but I quickly place my foot between the door causing it to stay open.
“Chloe, I need to talk to you. Please let me in.”