“I want you, Chloe, right here and now,” he moans under his breath.
My panties dampen with need as the vision of him and I in the shower this morning comes to mind. He squats a little, balancing me by his thighs, and undoes the buttons on my shirt where he bites down on my nipple through my black lacy bra.
Clinging onto his shoulders to keep myself upright, my mind is lost in everything him—the way his hands touch me make me feel like he owns me, and how his mouth brings my body to life.
“Goddamn, Chloe, I haven’t been able to think of anything but the way you taste and feel. Just the thought of us last night in your bed has me nearly shooting my load.”
“Oh, God, Dom, we can’t do this,” I say, between kisses.
He thrust his pelvis upward, and the feel of his hardness causes me to gasp when it hits my clit through my jeans. He grinds and rubs harder and harder, and I’m almost embarrassed to admit that I’m close to coming, and he hasn’t even laid a finger on me.
“Fuck! You have me so hard,” he growls, draws my bottom lip into his mouth, sucking, then leaving it with a pop. His eyes stare into mine, and they darken with need.
Even though my body is craving more, I come back to my senses and state, “We can’t do this here. This is your coach’s office.”
Ignoring my protests, he replies, “Don’t give a shit.”
“Domenic…” I giggle. “We have to stop. They could—”
The sound of a knock comes from the other side of the door, and we both still.
Domenic lets my body go, and my legs are free, allowing my feet back to the floor.
“Domenic, you in there?”
“Shit! It’s Coach,” I murmur.
Thank God he locked the door behind us, or else Coach would have caught us getting down and dirty. Hearing keys rattle, we quickly straighten, and Domenic helps me to do up my buttons on my shirt that had been undone when Domenic’s mouth kissed me.
The door swings open, and Coach steps in with a look of shock on his face. Feeling my cheeks heat beneath his gaze, I look at Domenic, who has a big smile on his face.
“Coach,” he gives him a curt nod. “You’re looking for me?”
Finally, having the courage to look at Coach, he stares at me with a slight smile on his face.
He’s smiling?
“Well, well… looks like you and Chloe hashed things out last night.”
To my embarrassment, some of the boys gather around the opening of the office, and then with shock written all over her face, she shouts, “Domenic, what the hell are you doing in here withher.” She spits outher,as if she’s tasted something foul in her mouth.
Before Domenic can say anything, Cassandra runs out crying, back through the crowd that we’ve created.
Domenic runs after her yelling, “Cassandra, let me explain.”
He’s left me alone in a room full of men, except one female, Valerie, who has a huge smile on her face.
Tears burn my eyes, and Coach must sense it because he turns around and shoos everyone out of his office, asking them to leave.
Finally, the door closes behind prying eyes, and Coach looks at me with sympathy. “Well, that was some show.”
“I’m sorry you had to walk in on that, Coach.”
He shrugs. “No skin off my back. I’m glad you two are getting along so well.” He smirks then walks over to his desk where he sits on the edge of it.
“Just know this, Chloe. Cassandra’s father is a sponsor of Vixen Rapids. We survive because of sponsors like him. Cassandra is his only daughter, and I would hate for her to have some kind of influence on her father. He looks away in thought, then back at me when he says, “I hope Domenic can make it up to Cassandra because I would hate to lose any sponsorship deal we have with Mr. Miles. Do you understand what I’m saying here, Chloe?”
Widening my eyes at what he’s trying to discreetly tell me—which is don’t ruin this sponsorship for them by getting involved with Domenic—I open my mouth to tell him where to go, then stop and reply, “Yup, loud and clear.”