I begin to laugh, loving the girl talk.God, I’ve missed this.
“Then what happened?”
“Well, I asked him to join me for lunch.” She laughs, her thoughts go back to that day. “At first, he was caught off guard and said, “Lunch? Darlin’, I ain’t here for lunch.”
“Well, I changed his mind.”
I rest my chin on my hand engrossed in her story. “And how may I ask did you do that?”
Smiling, she replies, “I have my ways.”
I laugh out loud, saying, “You are too much.”
She waves her hand around. “It worked, though. He had lunch with me, and I swear I don’t think I heard a thing he said. I was too busy entranced by his looks. You know, chiseled jaw, manly hands, and I swore I could make out a six-pack under his fitted white tee.
“So, is Tracker his real name?”
“No, it’s Ryan. When I met him, he went by Ryan, he was an FBI agent.”
I open my mouth in shock. “Wait! FBI agent? How the hell did he go from an FBI agent to a biker?”
She shrugs. “As I said, it’s a long story, but basically we’re dating now. Well, as much as we can date. He’s out in New York and part of the Blood Brothers MC. He comes out when he can, but it’s not enough,” she says sadly.
“Can’t you go visit him?”
She takes another sip from her mug, and her eyes fill with sadness.
“What is it, Sophia?”
She looks at me over the rim of her cup and replies, “He’s never asked me to come to New York.”
“What?” I say, surprised. “You’re kidding me?”
“Nope, not kidding.”
“Have you asked him why?”
“Not really. Every time I mention going to New York, he says he’s busy at the club and that he’ll come when he can. There’s a part of me that’s worried he has someone else.”
“Oh, Soph, I’m so sorry,” I say.
“It’s okay, I’m fine. He’s coming out next week. I was hoping you’d be here, so you can meet him, but I know you need to go back.”
“I’m sorry, Soph, but Jim needs me back at work as soon as possible.”
She smiles. “I know how much work means to you, so I get it. Well, at least you’re staying for the weekend, and we can catch up. I’ve really missed this.”
“I have too,” I admit. I look down at my watch. It’s getting late, and I need to prepare myself for my meeting with Tom fromSleek Sports Magazine. And as if right on cue,my phone rings, and it’s him calling.
“Excuse me one minute, I have to take this,” I state as I stand and head outside to speak in private.
“Tom, how are you?”
“Hello, Chloe, you made it here safe and sound.”
“I did. I have been given details to meet you at your office tomorrow morning at nine.”
“Change of plans… do you think you can meet me out at the Rapids’ training ground?”