Finally, Curly opens the door.
“Hey, Prez, what are you…” His eyes light up when he sees her. “Serena? I didn’t know you were coming here.” He looks at me, frowning. “What’s going on?”
I push open the door farther and step into the home, followed by Serena and Wave, who has her bag in his hand. Snake and Uncle Tom are here. Serena follows me in, and they all surround her, hugging and kissing her.
“What are you doing here, Serena?” Tom asks, “Is Liv with you?” He looks behind me, hoping his daughter might be around. “No, she’s not. I’m sorry, didn’t you know?” She looks at me. “I was kidnapped tonight.”
Tom snaps his head to me, his eyebrows raised. “What does she mean?”
“Nothing,” I growl. “I’ll get her settled upstairs. Any update?”
Tom shakes his head, “No, Prez.” His eyes move to mine, then back to Serena. “Settle her in, and we’ll talk.”
Nodding, I turn and snatch Serena’s bag from Wave, grab her hand, and lead her upstairs to the main bedroom. It’s one of the nicest rooms in the house and has an en suite.
Placing her bag on the bed, she looks around, then walks to the window and looks outside. “Don’t try to escape. It’s locked with a key.”
She turns to me, her hair now dry from when I saw her back at the hotel. It’s wavy and longer than it used to be, now hitting her lower back. Her eyes are still beautiful, and her lips are as luscious as I remember.
“What are you looking at?”
“You,” I say in a low whisper.
My hands want to touch her again, so I give myself pleasure by taking small steps toward her. Once I reach Serena, I tuck the side of her hair behind her ear and use my thumb to run over her cheekbone. She stills, and we get lost in each other’s eyes for a moment. Dropping my forehead to hers, I say, “I’ve missed you so much, Serena… so, so much.”
She inhales, and I bring my other hand to her face and cup her cheek. We look at each other, our noses touching. Our lips are so close to doing the same.
Her hands run through my hair. “If only I believed you.”
My hold on her moves from her face to her shoulders. “What do you mean? I wouldn’t lie about something like that. It’s true, Serena.”
Her eyes fill with unshed tears. “Well, you sure proved that to me, didn’t you?” She steps back and looks at the floor. “Do you know how many times I came to see you or call you? You didn’t even have the decency to call me back. I waited for you, Harley.” Serena finally looks up again with tears streaming down her face. “I waitedso long, and for what? You never came back for me. You promised, Harley, you promised.” She cries, covering her face.
My heart breaks into a million pieces. I never knew how broken she was because of me. It’s not as if I wanted to make her wait. I had to ensure things were taken care of before I brought her into my life again. And as president, I couldn’t put our relationship before my father’s death.
But she’s right.
She had to wait.
And I was an asshole.
“I’m so sorry, baby…” I say, stepping closer, bringing Serena closer, and hugging her.
“I regret making you wait.” I kiss the top of her head. “Please forgive me. It took longer than I thought it would. Let me make it up to you now. Let me be the man I promised you I would be.”
Snapping her head to meet my gaze, she says, “It’s too late, Harley. We can’t bring back the past. I’m with Luca. He has been good to me.” She turns to walk away, but I clutch her arms and hold her still.
“Luca is nothing to you. Do you understand me? Whatever you thought you would have with him is gone. It’s only me, baby. Only me. What must I do to get him out of your head?”
I kiss her hard. “Is this it? Do I need to wipe every memory of him out of your mind? I kiss her again, deeply.
Both hands reach up to cup her breasts. “How about this? Does it help?” I ask, then move from her breasts to between her legs and rub my thumb over her clit. “And this? Does this help?”
She moans. “Harley, please, you’re not fighting fair.”
“No, I’m not, but I never promised I would.”