After my much-needed shower, I make my way into Liv’s kitchen. She’s making something to eat, and I sit on the stool at the kitchen island. It’s a small but cozy house. She has a small round table with four chairs in the corner and two bar stools at the island. Her appliances look new. And she has plants all over the kitchen—plants I can see are close to dying.

“You know, you really need to water your plants.”

Liv places some toast on a plate and smears them with avocado—my favorite.

“I do water them. I have no idea why they’re dying.”

“Mmm… maybe you’re overwatering them?” I ask with a raised brow. Honestly, I know nothing about plants, either. I’ve never had my own place, always living with my father. Well, except after I got married, but I haven’t had the chance to live in it. I guess there are plants there, but the maid ensures they are watered.

Liv places a cup of coffee in front of me.

I smile. “Thanks.”

“Here, hope you still love avocado on toast.”

“Of course I do,” I reply, picking up a piece and taking a big bite. Liv watches me eat from behind the island as she sips her coffee.

“What?” I ask. I’ve nearly finished the toast, and she hasn’t said a thing.

“I’m just waiting for you to give me the story and to explain how you got those?” Her hand comes up and points to my neck.

Shoot, I forgot to cover the bruises.

“It’s nothing,” I say, bringing my cup to my mouth and sipping my coffee.

She places her mug on the island, walks around it, and sits beside me. Liv rests her hand on my arm. “Serena, they look like choke marks. Please tell me this wasn’t Harley because if it was, I’ll kill him,” Liv asks in all seriousness, and I believe her. If it were Harley who laid a hand on me, she would indeed kill him.

“No,” I say, shaking my head. “It wasn’t Harley.”

Tears run down my face.

Liv stands and holds me. “Shush, I’m sorry I asked.” She pulls back her hands from my shoulders. “Was it Luca?” she asks quietly.

I don’t reply. Instead, I let the tears fall. I cry into Liv’s shoulder and let the grief of the last couple of weeks leave me. I’ve had to deal with so much. First the death, then the kidnapping, and add the rape, and now the news that my father sold me for a debt he had with the Clementes. It’s all too much, and I haven’t had a minute to process everything.

I inhale and pull back, looking at Liv. She also has tears in her eyes, and I love that she’s here for me. I couldn’t ask for a better friend.

Slowly, I explain everything to her. She sits there listening, not saying a word. Tears fall from her eyes, and when I finish, she hugs me to her again, not letting go for what feels like hours.

We both cry and finally, when I’m all cried out, I pull back and wipe my eyes. Liv reaches for the box of tissues on the counter and hands it to me, taking one in the process, and we both wipe our eyes.

“Serena, you have to go to the police and report the rape.”

I widen my eyes. “Are you crazy? I can’t get the police involved. Have you forgotten what my husband does for a living?”

“I do know. And have you seen those bruises on your neck? You’re lucky he didn’t kill you.”

I stand and walk around the island, needing to move my feet, then look at her. “I know that, Liv. Believe me, I thought I was going to die. But the Clementes have the police in their pockets. There’s no way they will believe me over him.”

She sighs. “So what are you going to do about your dad? That’s pretty fucked up.”

I laugh, a mocking laugh of despair. “Yeah, I know. I’m going to face him and ask why he did it. If my father sold me for money, what hope do I have of surviving all of this, Liv? I have no one to turn to…no one.”

Liv stands and makes her way toward me. “You have me, Serena, and you are welcome to stay here as long as you like.”

I hug her. “Thank you, Liv. You’re the only one I can talk to.”

Liv pulls back and leans on the island. “Have you told Rachel?”