As soon as he leaves, my mind begins its planning.

I need to get out of here.

Running to the bathroom, I quickly remove my hot curls and don’t bother to brush them out. I find my bag in the closet, grab some of my belongings, and pack them.

I’m running away.

I’m running as far as I can from here.

I want to go to Rachel’s, but would she tell Luca where I am? She is his cousin, after all. Was she in on this whole scam?

No, I’ll go to Liv’s. I just have to get back to Houston.

With a bag over my shoulder, I open the bedroom door and find no one on this level.

Here I am again, trying to escape for the second time this week. I really need to get my life together.

Making my way to the banister, I glance over it to look downstairs. There’s security walking around, so I quickly bob down.There must be an easier way to get out of here.

Then I realize I live here, and it won’t look suspicious. I can simply say I’m going to the store to get something. Yes, that’s it. I’ve put a hole in my stockings and need a new pair.

Feeling happy with that story, I stand, take a breath, and plant a fake smile on my face.

Making my way down the stairs, Anna passes me, looking at my attire, confused. “Mrs. Clemente, aren’t you supposed to be getting ready?”

I give her the biggest smile I’m capable of. “Yes, I am. I’m just heading down to the store. It seems I’ve ripped my stockings. Can you believe it?”

She tilts her head to the side. “But, Mrs. Clemente, surely you have others.”

I shake my head, “No, not in that particular shade.” Before she can ask more questions, I continue to step down the stairs. “Don’t worry. I won’t be long,” I yell up the stairs, then continue to the foyer.

There is no sign of Luca, and I let out a breath. There are security guards, but they don’t even notice me. They look like robots patrolling the house.

Luca told me I should pretend they’re not even there, but it’s hard when they have guns in their hands.

Finding the keys to Luca’s BMW next to the front door, I grab them and exit the house, making sure to shut the door quietly behind me.

It’s dark out now. However, the house has lots of security lights illuminating the path.

“Mrs. Clemente?” I hear a voice from behind me. Turning, I see Sebastian and attempt to avoid looking guilty.

“Why are you outside?” I ask him.

He frowns and walks toward me. “I could ask you the same thing. Are you going somewhere?” he asks, noticing my bag over my shoulder.

“It’s my father. He’s not well and called, asking me to stay with him.”Where did that come from?

Sebastian has been in the family for years, and I know he’s always been Javier’s adviser, and now he’s Luca’s.

“Oh, that’s not good. What’s wrong with him?”


“What’s wrong with your father?”

“Oh,” I say, giggling. “Sorry, it’s his stomach. He has an ulcer, and it’s giving him trouble. I’m going to get him some medication.”

“I thought he went back home to Houston. Is he still in New York?”