“I know,” I agree, knowing my brothers will walk through fire for me. They will always have my back, and I’m lucky to have these men. My father would be proud of them. I’m proud of them.

“Okay, I’ll get Crusher on the phone and see what he can do.”

“And tell him to get his ass in gear… we need this today. We don’t have much time.”

“On it.” Wave leaves the kitchen with his phone in hand. I walk back to the kitchen table and tap Snake on the shoulder. “Good work, brother.”

He smiles. “Thanks, Prez. Anything you need from me?”

I nod. “Call Sniper. We’re gonna need the muscle just in case things go down.”

He nods. “On it.”

Once again, I sit at the kitchen table and sip my coffee. Tom appears with a worried expression on his face.

“What’s up, Tom?”

He sighs, looks down at his hands, then back at me. “Before you were my president, you were my nephew. You are blood.”

I sigh. “I hear a lecture coming on.”

He smiles, wrinkles forming around his eyes. He’s my uncle, and I love him. Ever since my father passed, he’s been looking out for me, and I appreciate him for it. But he’s wasting his time if he thinks he’s going to convince me to cancel my plans on getting Serena back.

“Not a lecture. Just some words from a man who knows a few things.”

Smirking, I sit back in my chair. “Okay, hit me.”

“Harley, if your father were alive today, he’d be bloody proud of the man you’ve become.”

Swallowing hard, the mention of my father still stirs up emotions within me. While I grieved his death, my focus on revenge caused me to lose the only woman I ever loved, and I regret letting her go.

Clearing my throat, I reply, “Thanks, Tom.”

“But you’re an idiot.”

I straighten. “What the fuck, Uncle Tom… where is this coming from?”

“It’s coming from a man who knows that what you’re doing is only going to get you killed.”

“Kill me? Oh, Tom, you have me all wrong. I won’t get killed. I’m too smart for that.”

He shakes his head. “Your dad thought the same too, yet look at him now.”

Anger hits me in the pit of my stomach, and I straighten in my chair. “Where are you going with this?”

He folds his arms. “I’m just saying… choose your battles, Harley. I know you love Serena, but sometimes love isn’t enough. She’s a married woman, and she went back to him. Surely, you must see that she chose him.”

Suddenly, I stand and knock over my chair. With anger radiating through me, I point my finger at him. “Listen here, Tom. Serena feels obligated because he’s her husband. I’m going to get her back and get the fucking bullshit marriage annulled. She just has to give us a chance, and the rest I’ll take care of.”

Tom stands. “Well, son, I’m here for you no matter what, but just be careful. Remember the man we’re dealing with. He’s protected and is now a very powerful and wealthy man since his father died.”

Walking toward him, I place my hand on his shoulder. “I know you’re saying this because you’re only looking out for me, and I get it. I’m a bloody lucky man to have you, but just believe me when I say I know what I’m doing. You’ll see.”

He brings me in for a hug, and we pat each other’s backs.

“Prez,” Snake says, walking in. “Sniper and Crusher both comin’ down.”

“I only said to call Sniper.”