“Sometimes in life, you need to let them go, and if they come back, then it’s meant to be.”

Shaking my head, I stand. “No fucking way, Wave. I ain’t losing her again.”

“Oh, Prez, you have a lot to learn.”

With my hands on my hips, I look down at him. “What? You expect me to let her go just like that?” I click my fingers, then continue, “And hope she comes back to me? She’s married to that son of a bitch, Luca, who I want to kill, by the way, and I’m supposed to forget that?”

“Man, what do you think will happen when you kill Luca Clemente? Serena will know you were the one responsible for his death. What do you think will happen then? That she’ll come running back to you with open arms and thank you?”

I think about it and tilt my head. “Maybe she will. Just maybe, she’ll be thrilled that she’s finally free of that fuckin’ scum.”

Wave laughs, and I narrow my eyes.

“Oh, brother, you have no fuckin’ clue. You’ve been out of the game too long.”

“Fuck off, Wave. You’re telling me I’ve been out of the game?”

“That’s not the point. You know I’m right about this. Just let her go, man, and believe me, she will come back.”

With clenched fists by my sides, I growl, “No fuckin’ way.”

Wave stands, takes the seat with him, and places it back in the corner. “All right, have it your way. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

He opens the door and leaves, shutting it behind him.

I know part of what he’s saying is true, but fuck! I love and need her. I can’t let her stay married to that fucker.

Am I supposed to forget the plan to kill Luca Clemente just like that?


Chapter Seven


It’s been five days since I’ve returned to Luca. He’s been cold and distant and hasn’t even slept in the same room as me. We attended his father’s funeral together, and there were people everywhere, including people I’ve never met. Some I had seen at our wedding, and others I had met at events that Javier hosted. But this funeral was like the President of the United States had died.

Security was everywhere. Men I know I’ve seen on television on the news for illegal activity were in attendance, and I even noticed the FBI watching us when we buried Luca’s father at the cemetery.

It hit me then exactly what family I’ve married into. I mean, I knew Luca’s father was the head of the cartel, but I had always thought we would get to live our own life in Mexico and be far away from all of it. Well, I couldn’t have been more wrong, not with Luca now stepping in to replace his father.

He’s assured me we will still go to Mexico, but he needs to take care of things in New York first.

Our house in New York is on the market. Luca says we no longer need it and would like to keep his father’s mansion. At first, I was upset we were selling the home we planned to live in when we traveled to America, but then what did it matter? Our life was going to be in Mexico.

Luca hasn’t been the same since I returned. His loving and caring nature is void. It seems I only get to be alone with him when he chooses to speak with me. He keeps me at arm’s length and never discusses business. I watch him day and night in meetings and on the phone. Men who arrive at the house are taken into the study behind closed doors, talking about who knows what.

I’m angry and feel neglected. Every time I’ve tried to be alone with Luca, he always has a reason why he can’t. He’s always too busy.

Tonight, I don’t care what he says. Iwilltalk to him whether he likes it or not. It’s been nearly a week, and he hasn’t touched me, and I’m his wife. What happened to that loving man I fell in love with? Where did he go?

It’s late, and I’m sitting in the dining room with my dinner. Once again, the chair opposite mine is vacant. I cut into the steak cooked to perfection by Chef Costello and chew, my taste buds not functioning.

“Is something wrong with the steak, Mrs. Clemente?” Costello asks, and I look up at him and frown, wondering what he asked while my mind was elsewhere.

“Mrs. Clemente, everything okay?” He’s shown me more compassion than my husband has all week.

“Oh, sorry, Costello. No, everything’s fine, thank you. I’m just not feeling very hungry, is all.”