“So, you’re saying he kidnapped you because he wants you back? Now? After all this time, he chose yesterday, your wedding day, to decide he wants you back. Did he tell you what he was doing at the wedding? No,” he says, shaking his head.
Before I can respond, Luca storms back in with his laptop.
He shoves it at me. His once-relaxed nature is gone, taken over by a man I don’t recognize. He hasn’t even asked if I’m okay, not even hugged or kissed me. It’s obvious he doesn’t care about my well-being, only about what’s on this damn laptop.
Looking down at the screen, I notice it’s my wedding day, and Luca and I are dancing to our song in the marquee.
Watching, I notice the waiter looking at Luca and me. I move the screen closer to my eyes to get a good look at the man, but I don’t have to. I’d recognize that physique anywhere. Even if he had a balaclava over his head, I would still make out the strong features and those breathtaking eyes that belong to Harley.
Watching Harley on the screen, he has a glass on a tray and observes Luca and me dancing while standing close to Javier. Javier is watching us dance, and suddenly, Harley pours something into Javier’s glass. He quickly replaces the glass with an empty one and moves fast, heading outside the marquee.
My body stills when my suspicions are revealed.
Harley did indeed kill Javier Clemente.
But this makes little sense.
Why would he kill him?
“Your ex-boyfriend is responsible for my father’s death… he and his other biker assholes.” My eyes look up at Luca as he looks at me with disgust.
“Did you fuck him, Serena?” he asks, stepping closer, his accusing stare bothering me to the point where I want to run away and never return.
“How dare you,” I shout, moving the laptop to the vacant chair when I stand.
He narrows his eyes on me. “How dare I?” he asks, pointing his finger at me. “You’re the one who’s been fucking the man who killed my father.”
That’s it—that’s my undoing.
I reach out and slap him, my palm tingling with the force of the hit.
He covers his cheek and grabs me by my shoulders. “You will regret doing that, Serena.”
Angry tears roll down my face. Why is he acting like this? He is not the man I married. The man I married was caring and would never accuse me of cheating on him. Sure, I may have kissed Harley and wanted to take things further, but I didn’t. I couldn’t do that to Luca.
My father stands and places his hand on Luca’s. “Let’s be reasonable here. You’re angry, Luca. I understand that, but I don’t think my daughter would have slept with that son of a bitch. She’s not that stupid, are you, Serena?” he asks, looking at me for a response.
Shaking my head, I reply, “No, I’m not. And I don’t deserve to be questioned about my faithfulness. Do you know what I went through to escape and get back to you?Do you?” I repeat a little louder, my eyes glaring into Luca’s, but he doesn’t release his hold on me. “Let me go, you’re hurting me,” I cry.
He finally lets go with a shove, causing me to fall to the floor, and then he storms out of the room.
My father is there helping me up, and I cry into his shoulder. “Shush, it will be okay,cariño.”
Pulling back, I look into my father’s dark brown eyes. For a man who has been worried about me, he sure looks okay.
Standing, I grab the laptop before sitting again and press play. Another waiter comes into view, and I recognize him—Snake.
I still don’t understand why he did it. Then, a thought occurs to me. Could Javier have something to do with Harley’s dad’s death? I mean, he was the leader of the cartel. Did he have Jim killed? Could this all bethe revengeHarley was hoping for all these years? Is that why he’s now come for me because it’s over? Is his revenge now done?
My heart picks up a beat with the thought that all along, Javier was the one who killed Harley’s dad. What kind of mess have I gotten myself into?Poor Harley. What was he thinking when he found out I married into that family? But Luca had nothing to do with it.Did he?
Dammit! I’m not so sure about anything anymore.
Chapter Six
“Will you quit it? You’re gonna bust your leg.”