“Thank God,” I say, my heart picking up its regular beat again.
“We’re in the clear. They’re gone. We’re good.”
“Thank you for helping me, Bill.”
“You can thank me when you’re safe with your husband.”
For what seems like hours but is probably only fifteen minutes, Bill announces we’re here.
When we arrive at my late father-in-law’s house, I hope to God Luca is there. It was our plan to stay there and fly out the next day for our honeymoon. Taking a chance, I sit up in the back seat and see the gates to the front of the house. We drive up, and Bill turns around to me. “Do you want me to come in with you?”
Shaking my head, I reply with a smile, “No, I’ll be fine. Thank you.”
He nods. “I’ll wait here till you’re safely inside.”
I smile. I just met the man, and he’s already acting like a longtime friend.
Opening the door, I get out of the car and look up at the gate. The camera that’s facing us turns to zoom in on me. I know Hector is in the security office at the house, probably working out who’s the visitor. He must recognize me because the gate opens with a click, and I rush through it with the view of the big white mansion ahead and men holding shotguns on the balcony.Wow, Luca must have really raised the security after his father’s death.
Once the gate shuts behind me with a click, the sound of motorcycles roaring gets closer and closer. They come into view with Harley leading the men behind him. He parks on the other side of the road, removes his helmet, and glares at me. His look is murderous.
We stare at each other, both of us communicating with our eyes. He stands, gets off the bike, and I take a few steps back. He can’t get to me here. Doesn’t he see the men with guns? I know I was running from him, but it doesn’t mean I want him to get hurt. I’ve never wanted that.Please, Harley, turn back. Go home.
In anger, he throws his helmet to the ground, and it slams against the pavement. He’s pissed. He storms toward me and takes a few steps. I panic because if he gets any closer, they will shoot him.
“Stop,” I yell through the gate as my hands grip the iron bars. “Don’t do it, Harley. They’ll shoot you,” I beg, but he’s not fazed by my words. He ignores them and continues to stride to me, not bothering to look to see if cars are coming. I vaguely make out Bill, whose tires screech as he reverses and speeds away from the house. I don’t blame him. I don’t really want to be here either.
Harley reaches me, and I step back as he places his hands on the iron bars, pulling them, trying to break the gate open. It rattles, and he glares at me, his jaw ticking as he looks at me through the gaps in the gate. He’s breathing heavily, anger written all over his face. A tear leaves my eye as I look at the man I once knew as a boy, a man I loved so deeply, who will be killed if he doesn’t get away fast.
“Harley, you need to leave. They will shoot you.” He doesn’t let go but continues to push and pull. Crying, I beg, “Please, Harley, don’t do this. You need to let me go.” Tears are now streaming down my face. I don’t want to hurt him, but I have no choice. I’m married to Luca, and I can’t just head off into the sunset on the back of Harley’s bike and pretend the last three years didn’t exist. I owe it to Luca to make this marriage work.
Harley’s eyes change to a look of sadness.
“Why, Serena? Why… after everything, you’re choosing him over me? Do you really love him more than me?”
Sniffling, I wipe my tears with the back of my sleeve. “It’s not a choice, Harley. He’s my husband.”
He pulls at the gate again.
Wave and the others finally reach us.
Wave looks from Harley to me. “Prez, we need to go. All guns are pointed at you.”
“No,” he growls. “I won’t leave her here,” he demands, looking at Wave over his shoulder.
I take a step to the gate and cover his hand that’s gripping the bar. “Please, Harley, let me go. Luca will be here in a minute. They would have alerted him you’re here. He will order them to kill you.”
“I won’t leave without you, Serena. You belong with me.”
“Serena.” I hear the familiar voice of Luca coming from behind me.
“Prez, please, will you listen to me? We need to get the fuck out of here.”
“Please go,” I whisper. I turn around and find Luca briskly walking behind me. He’s wearing a dark navy suit and a silver tie. His hair looks perfectly styled to perfection, but he’s not looking at me, he’s looking behind me at Harley.
When I turn around, I find Wave and Curly forcing Harley to walk away.
“I’ll find you, Serena. I will have you with me. That is a promise.”