I distinctly hear the sound of a zipper, and without warning, he thrusts deep inside me.

It doesn’t stop there.

He continues his assault, pushing himself in and out all the while I don’t know what is worse, the strangulation or the invasion of his penis inside me.

At least his hand around my neck is loose, and more oxygen reaches my lungs.

My voice comes out in a croak, barely audible, “Stop, please stop.”

Tears tumble down my face as he continues to assault me. He pounds hard, hurting me, and I feel like he’s ripping me in two. I burn from the inside out. There’s no use in asking him to stop—he’s not listening to my pleas. He’s in a trance, his expression wild and excited. It’s as if my cries are nothing to him.

My mind drifts, and I try to focus on something else other than the pain he’s causing. My throat hurts, my eyes water, and my lower back aches with how my body is angled on the desk.

The downlight above shines bright, and I focus on that, trying desperately to think of a happy place or time.Harley,that’s when I was the happiest—he and I at the beach sitting on the sand after he surprised me after work one day with a picnic basket. He had told me he had organized a surprise and drove us out to the beach, where he had laid out a blanket and removed sandwiches, beer, and fruit from the basket—that was a happy time.

“Isn’t this what you wanted, sweetheart?” Luca asks, his hair falling over his forehead as he focuses on what he’s doing. His finger roughly rubs my clit, and for something that usually feels amazing, it feels like sandpaper rubbing against this sensitive part of my body.

“Don’t act like you don’t want this. You know you do,” he says through gritted teeth.

I don’t reply. I figure if I stay quiet and lie here, the quicker this will be over and done with. With his hand still loosely around my neck, the corner of my eye catches a glimpse of a glass paperweight sitting a few inches away.

Could I do it?

Could I reach out, grab it, and hit him over the head?

Knowing my luck, it won’t do much damage, and it will only make things worse.

“Give me my money’s worth, Serena,” he spits out, ecstasy on his face as he reaches his climax. “Oh God, you are. You’re worth every penny.”

Penny?What is he talking about? I’m too busy thinking about his words when he comes inside me and moans out my name as he continues to milk himself.

Once he’s finished, he straightens, tucks himself back in his pants, and zips himself up.

I’m sore all over and struggle to sit up.

“Here, let me help you,” he offers, grabbing my hand.

I won’t have any of it. I push it away and cross my arms over my chest, trying to conceal my naked body.

He laughs. “Oh, Serena, don’t try and act all prim and proper now. We all know you like it rough.”

Struggling to stand, I try to ignore everything he’s saying. I have no idea where this is all coming from.

He steps closer.

I quickly walk around him, not wanting to be touched by him again. “Don’t touch me,” I warn, “Don’t youevert-touch me again.” My voice breaks, and tears fall again.

“Come on, Serena, you can’t say you didn’t enjoy this.” He runs his fingers through his hair.

“No, I didn’t. You raped me,” I cry.

He smiles. “Raped? You’ve gotta be kidding me. You wanted it. Isn’t that what you’ve been begging for since you’ve been back?”

“I saidstopmany times, and you didn’t.”

He touches his lip with his finger where I cut him with my teeth while shaking his head. “No, you don’t know what you’re saying. You love it rough, don’t you? Isn’t that why you chose to leave with that fucking biker?” he spits with contempt in his voice.

“For the last time… I didnotchoose to leave. He kidnapped me from the hotel. Do you think if I wanted to be with him, I would come back to you? I wanted to be here with you. You wouldn’t believe me, and now you’ve raped me. I need to go,” I cry out the words. “I need to get out of here.”