I give him a chin lift, thinking he’s right. “Thanks, Prez.”
“No need to thank me. I just hope it all works out.”
“Me too.”
As I make my way toward the bar, I find Sophia sitting with the other ladies, and the vision of her with them makes me feel happy as shit. She’s settled in well and already has their respect. Even with my boys, the way they talk to her asking if she needs anything, treating her as their own family.I’m a lucky man.
Making my way to her, I lean down and kiss her on the neck. She squeals at the surprise, and I spin her around in her chair, smiling. “Hey, baby, you about ready to go?”
“Sure,” she replies, using a napkin to wipe her mouth. Daisy must have made breakfast this morning for her, and I lean behind her and grab a piece of toast, taking it to my mouth and munching on it.
Sophia smiles. “Hey, did I say you could have that?”
“Nope, but I did. What are you going to do about it?” I ask.
Sophia giggles, and she jumps off the chair. “My bag’s in the room.”
“No problem, I’ll grab it and mine too. I’ll meet you here in five.”
To my surprise, she leans up, hooks her hands around my neck, and gives me a warm kiss. Then, hearing whistles all around us, she pulls back, and I notice her cheeks are flushed. She leans her head on my chest, and I laugh at her embarrassment.
“Don’t be shy, baby. They’re just playin’ with you. But, you better get used to kissing me in public because I ain’t holding back.”
Grasping her face in my hands, I force her to look at me. Her eyes are crystal blue, and I lean down and kiss her on her nose. “I’ll be right back.”
“Okay,” she agrees, then turns around and continues eating her toast. Jasmine and the other girls are laughing.
Entering our room, I find that the bed has been made and all my clothes that were on the floor and on the chair have been put away. Smiling, I go to the bathroom and notice some girly shit in there. For the first time, I’m happy to see that she’s made herself at home. Because if things go well this weekend, I’m gonna ask her to move down here. I know she loves Vixen Falls and her job, but she can work from anywhere, and we can visit her folks anytime she wants to go—she just has to say the word.
Grabbing my toiletries, I add them to my duffel bag, and at the last minute, I pack Sophia’s cut, hoping she may change her mind. I’m not going to rush her, if she’s not ready then she’s not, but man, I’m dying to see the leather on her and my name printed on her cut. To see that, I would die a happy man.
With that thought, I place my duffel bag over my shoulder and find her bag next to the bed, and with the handle, I drag it out of my room. Our bags won’t fit on the back of my bike. I’m not complaining because I asked Trigger if I could borrow his car, and boy, does she purr like a dream. The car is a red and white 1969 Shelby Mustang, and she’s beautiful. I’d love to own one myself, and I will one day when the boys finally finish fixing the one I bought a year or so ago. She needs a bit of work, but she’ll be worth the wait once she’s done.
Finding Sophia talking to Gunner, I frown and wonder what their conversation is about, especially after our talk back in church.
“Everything okay? I ask, and Gunner looks up at me.
“Yeah, was just apologizing for last night.”
Giving him a chin lift, I give my attention to Sophia. “You ready to go?”
She gives me a small smile and replies, “Yeah.”
“Trigger, your keys, brother?” I ask when I see him with Charity on his lap on the couch. He places his hand in his front pocket and dangles them in front of me. “Here, come and get ‘em.”
Taking the keys from his outstretched hand, he adds, “Treat her good, Tracker. She’s a special girl.”
Charity rolls her eyes at me, but Trigger sees. “What? She is special. No need to be jealous, baby,” he says while squeezing her cheeks. “You’re my number one girl.”
“Geez, thanks. Now I feelextraspecial,” she teases.
Laughing, I shake my head and reply, “Later. And thanks again, Trigger.”
Giving me a chin lift, he states, “Enjoy yourselves.”
Turning around, I find Sophia standing right behind me. “Okay, let’s go, baby.”
We walk to the car, and I place our bags in the trunk.