His eyes are laced with pain, and his face shows confusion. “I can’t believe you.”

“Sorry… what don’t you believe about me?”

Smiling, he leans down and kisses me where my neck and shoulder meet, causing goose bumps to travel across my body. His mouth travels up further, kissing me along my neck and biting down on my earlobe. Warmth hits me between my thighs, and I feel my panties dampen.God, I want him. He kisses my jawbone, and then his lips are on mine. He nips and sucks my tongue into his mouth, and I groan when they touch, causing electricity to run through me.

Gripping his cut in my hands, I let him take over. His hands are in my hair down my back, and cupping my butt, he squeezes and grinds his hips against mine, causing a delicious friction through my pajama shorts and rubbing up against my clit.

We are in a frenzy, and he picks me up. I distinctively wrap my legs around his waist, and he carries me back toward the bed and unwraps my legs, letting me fall on my back. But then he surprises me. He doesn’t join me, instead, he stands there saying, “Shower and get dressed. We’re going away today.” I’m so confused. One minute I thought he was going to make love to me, the next, he paused after a very hot kiss and told me to get dressed. I know I should still be angry with him, but I can’t. I just need him to do the right thing.

“Don’t look so sad, baby. I’ll give you what you want but not until we’re alone. I want you all to myself. So get ready and pack your bags because we’re leaving today.”

Excitement fills me, and I kneel on the bed. “Where are we going again?”

He grins. “Ah, ah, ah… now that’s a surprise, and you know that, so stop trying to find out. I’ll meet you in the main room with coffee and breakfast. I can smell Daisy’s cooking already.”

Smiling, I get off the bed and reach Ryan, then get onto my tiptoes and give him a short but sweet kiss before I head into the bathroom to shower.

Hearing the bedroom door shut, I turn the faucet on and undress, ready for the day ahead. I’m confused about Ryan and Tash’s past, but that will not stop me from enjoying a couple of days with him. He did, after all, plan this vacation before I arrived, and we could both do with some time away. It will also give us a chance to have a talk about things.

Walking into the main room, the scent of coffee hits me. Did I mention that I’m a coffeeholic? If I had the choice, I would put that liquid in as an IV and let it go straight into my bloodstream. But that’s not an option, so I drink the stuff instead.

“Coffee, honey?” Daisy asks, looking even more beautiful today. She has her blonde hair down in curls, and she’s wearing a black and white striped T-shirt tucked into her high-waisted shorts. I’m excited that it’s summer because I can wear my summer dresses. Today I’m wearing a blue baby doll dress with some little white flowers on it. The blue material makes my eyes pop. I match it with my white and black converse, and my hair is styled in a braid.

“Oh yes, please. Have you seen Tracker?”

Daisy pours coffee into a mug, then answers, “He’s just gone into church. He won’t be too long.”

Ah, yes, church. A biker club meeting that’s held in a room where they discuss club business. Apparently, I’m not supposed to ask what is discussed. I remember Ryan explaining it’s where fully patched members meet to talk about club stuff. As long as Tracker’s not in danger, I don’t need to know what goes on in there.

Drinking my coffee, I can hear female voices giggling. Turning around, I find Jasmine, Luisa, and Tess walking toward us. Lexi and Charity are not too far behind. Charity is showing Lexi something on her phone, and Lexi is laughing.

“Hey there, you… how did you sleep?” Jasmine places her hand on my shoulder and then sits beside me with a smile. She is breathtakingly beautiful, and I can see why Quill fell in love with her. Ryan told me about how they met, how Jasmine had been married to a real asshole, and he gambled with her money. Apparently, the first time Quill laid eyes on her, he fell in love, and if you had told me that a few years ago, I would have said love at first sight wasn’t true. However, I know what that feels like because I felt it the day I met Ryan. I was instantly drawn to him, as he was to me.

When Tracker had returned from finding his brother, Tate, he explained that something had changed in him when he met the Blood Brothers—it was as if a piece of him was missing, and they filled it. He tried to go on with his life, went back to working as an FBI agent, and invited me over to his place for the weekend when I could get away from work, but still, he wasn’t the same Ryan I had met. It wasn’t until he left his job and decided to become a biker that I saw the Ryan I knew return.

One night when I was at Ryan’s house, a female agent came to the door with a bottle of wine in her hand. When the doorbell rang, I answered it in nothing but Ryan’s shirt. The female on the other side had a smile on her face until she saw I was the one answering the door. I could tell she hadn’t called over for a business, and when Ryan came to the door, I could tell instantly they had some sort of relationship. She loved him. That much was obvious with the way she looked at him.

I remember feeling intimidated by her. Here was this gorgeous lady with long black hair and black eyes, wearing a pantsuit and shirt with a badge clipped to the pocket of her jacket. I had given them privacy and walked into the kitchen to make myself a drink.

Later in bed, after he made love to me, he explained he had been in a relationship with Riley, and they decided to call it off because they wanted different things. Ryan wanted to marry her and have kids, but Riley had told him she didn’t see those things in her future. I remember thinking,how could she not have wanted to marry this man?But I guess not every person wants the same things.

For me, I want to get married one day and have at least five kids. I’m an only child, and I really missed having siblings growing up. So it is something I want to give to my own kids.

Fingers snap in front of my face. “Hello, earth to Sophia.” I blink a couple of times and come back to the present. “Oh, I’m so sorry, I was somewhere else.”

Jasmine giggles. “It’s okay, girl… we’ve all been in that situation before. Unfortunately, our men have a way of interrupting our thoughts.”

I giggle along with her because she couldn’t be more spot on.

“So how are you finding being here?” She turns her chair to face me fully. “I remember when I was here for the first time, I was in shock… with all the women, the drinking, and the loud music. But it’s really not that bad. Once you spend some time here, you will see we’re all just a big family.” She grabs her coffee, her face suddenly turning serious. “Tracker loves you, Sophia. All he’s done is talk about you for years. Not to mention the way his eyes light up when he mentions your name. You need to understand that when these men love, they love hard.”

“Something tells me you know a lot about that,” I reply, leaning my elbow on the bar and resting my head in my hand. Jasmine smiles, and I get lost in her happiness. “Yeah, I do,” is all she says, and I take a sip of coffee.

“Eggs, bacon? You girls up for that?” Daisy asks.

“Yes, please, Daisy,” Jasmine replies. “Let me help you.”

“Don’t be silly, Jasmine, let me do this for you. You were run off your feet yesterday.”