“Hey, man, so glad you could make it. This is my woman, Sophia.”

Tate, who came down for the party, couldn’t make it to the barbecue earlier but as promised, he is here now. He and Luke, his VP, come down often to visit, and we do the same when we go out to Vegas.

Tate has proven to be a great president, and I’m damn proud of him. He’s come through for us on many occasions, and with the shit that went down with Lexi last year, it just goes to prove his loyalty to us. We don’t know what we would have done without his help when the cartel kidnapped Lexi for human trafficking. Tate’s links to the El Paso’s got us the intel as to where she was being held. Now our clubhouse is like his second home, he’s welcome here anytime, and the same goes for us when we head to Vegas.

“Hello, sweetheart, it’s nice to see you.”

Tate has met Sophia only a couple of times, and it’s always been a quick visit. Tate steps closer to Sophia and embraces her. His hold on her lasts a little too long for my liking, and I’m quickly pushing him back. “That’s enough.”

Tate smiles, then looks back at Sophia.

“Nice to see you too, Tate.”

Tate leans in, gives me a slap on the back, then whispers in my ear, “You did good, brother. Hold on to that one.”

“I will, don’t you worry.”

Tate gives me a playful slap on my cheek then says, “Where’s Quill? Need to pay my respects.” I look around and find him in a conversation with Trigger. “Over there,” I reply, pointing to where they’re standing.

“I’ll catch you later, Sophia. You’ll let me know if my brother here steps out of line.”

“I sure will,” she says, smiling at me. “Has he got a girlfriend? He is seriously good-looking.”

Narrowing my eyes at Sophia, I pull her toward me and smash her body to mine, jealousy consuming me. I mean, he is my brother, but I don’t like her thinking anyone is hot, including my brother.

“Is that so… you think my brother’s hot?”

“Um… I was just—”

“You were just nothing. I’m your man. Remember that.”

“Okay, geez,” she says, linking her hands around my neck.

“You’re hotter, though.”

Smashing my lips to hers, I make it known just who she belongs to. Then, pulling back, I smile down at her. “You ready for your surprise tomorrow?”

She smiles and tangles her fingers in my hair, then leans her head to the side and asks, “Where are we going, Ryan?”

“Ah, ah, ah, it’s a surprise.”

She huffs out a breath voicing her irritation, and I can’t help but laugh.

“You’re so mean. Please, Ryan, tell me where we’re going.”

I nip her neck, then place a small kiss on her jaw. “Nope, you’ll find out soon enough.”

“Okay, I give in. Take me where you want. I trust you.”

“Good, now go and get us a beer,” I say, undoing her hands around my neck and slapping her on her tempting ass.

“Bossy much?”

“Get me a beer, woman,” I reply, and she smiles before she heads to the bar. Turning, I go to have a few words with Rhyder when I bump into a familiar figure.

Tash… I haven’t seen Tash around the clubhouse in a while.

She was my fuck buddy before things got serious with Sophia.She comes to the clubhouse now and then but not as a regular like she used to. Not saying I’ve missed her because, to be honest, I didn’t have the balls to let her down gently. I was hoping that because I wasn’t asking her to come to my bed, she got the message, and I was sure she did because it was years ago.So what the fuck is she doing here now?