“Yes, you are, sweetheart,” Tracker says, running his fingers down Rose’s cheek. I find his touch so beautiful to watch, and she reaches her hands out. “Uncle Tracker, hold me.”
He places his hands out, and takes her in his arms, saying, “There’s my Rosebud.”
“I’m not Rosebud. I’m Rose.”
“I know, sweetheart, but you’remy rosebud.”
“Oh, Uncle Tracker, you’re so funny.”
Ryan kisses her on her forehead, then turns to me. “Wait till you meet Jack.”
“Can’t wait,” I reply, loving the look of a child in Ryan’s arms. He looks so comfortable with Rose.
He turns to me smiling and gives me a wink.
Rose begins to kick, saying, “Down, Uncle Tracker.” He lets her down, and she runs away playing with other kids.
“Come join us, Sophia. The food’s just finished cooking.”
Looking over at Jasmine, who’s now placing some hot food on the table, I smile, and Tracker holds my hand, leading me to the table. I sit between Ryan and Jasmine, and immediately the men start filling their plates with food. On the other hand, Ryan grabs the salad and asks if I want any.
“Yes, please.”
He places some salad on my plate, then he adds some hot potatoes. Meat is added, and I merely sit back and watch as the conversation runs freely. It really is like a family. Husbands and wives. Children are seated at another table, laughing and eating, and I can’t imagine for the life of me why it took Ryan so long to bring me here.
“You look beautiful, Soph. I can’t wait to have you all to myself.”
The piece of meat that I was chewing suddenly feels dry, and I have to grab my glass of water to wash it down. He can’t say those things when I have food in my mouth.
Looking up, I see Luisa sitting in front of me with a smile on her face.
Did she just hear what Ryan said?
Feeling my cheeks heat a little, I take another sip of my water and stop Ryan’s hand that’s slowly traveling up the inside of my thigh. Gripping his hand, I squeeze it, giving him the message to stop playing.
Hearing a husky laugh, I look at him, and he knows exactly what he’s doing. I could kill him.
A couple walks out together hand in hand and starts to shake everyone’s hands and hug and kiss the ladies. The male is tall, muscly, and has scruff on his face. As he gets closer, I see his name is ‘Rhyder.’ The girl on his arm is also beautiful—I can’t believe how good-looking these people are. It’s as if they’ve stepped out of a magazine shoot.
“Rhyder, man, this is Sophia. Sophia, meet Rhyder and Lexi.”
“Oh,” I say standing. “It’s so nice to meet you.”
Lexi leans in and gives me a side hug saying, “It’s so nice to meet you, Sophia. Now I know why Tracker has kept you away.”
Confused, I ask, “And why’s that.”
“Isn’t it obvious? He’s scared someone is going to pinch you from under him.” She turns to Ryan. “She’s beautiful, Tracker.”
“She is, isn’t she?”
I glance at him and notice his eyes are roaming my body. He has to stop looking at me like that because it won’t take me long to drag him to his room and have my way with him.
“Thank you,” I say to Lexi.
I can’t help but notice the women here are all so similar. They’re genuine and lovely. Not what I expected at a motorcycle club.
“Help yourself, guys, food’s still hot,” Jasmine says, and they both take a seat at the end of the table. I watch them for a little while. Rhyder caresses Lexi’s arm and kisses her on her neck now and then. I take a minute to look around the table and notice all the men are doing something similar to their women. I look over at Ryan, who’s ripping a piece of meat from a bone and chewing on it. His lips are shiny with the oil from the meat, and I laugh, wiping it off with my finger. “You’re such a grub.”