Yeah, I’ve had to do some bad shit, but that was because our club was threatened, and I wasn’t going to let anyone hurt the club or our family.

I’d started as a prospect, and within a year, I proved myself a loyal member. I was patched in with the road name, Tracker. Prez said it’s because I was an ex-FBI agent with mad tracking skills. I didn’t disagree. I liked the name, and it sat well with me.

Tate had worked his way up quickly, becoming president of the Sinners.

Viper had gotten really sick, suffered from lung cancer, and died about a year ago. Tork, the vice president hadn’t been a proper member of the club for a while, after doing drugs and had become obsessed with shooting up than worrying about the club. He was voted out when he lied and took the club’s money to pay for his habits.

There were other members who had been in the club longer, but they all voted that Tate should be president. And I have to admit, he makes one hell of a prez. He’s come a long way since I left him there five years ago. He’s well respected, not only by his own club, but by the Blood Brothers. We’ve had to use Tate’s help when shit went down with Hawke’s ex, Josie. He’s always been here for our club, and we have gotten closer since I joined the Blood Brothers. I get to see him more often too, which is a bonus.

In the women’s department, I’ve been seeing Sophia. She’s still the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I wish I could see her more often, but the life I have now with the club may be a good life for me, but I’m not sure it’s for her. When I told Sophia I was leaving my job as an FBI agent to join a motorcycle club, I thought she would want to end it, but in actual fact, she did the opposite and surprised the hell out of me. She explained it didn’t matter what I did as long as she has me and I’m happy. Man, she’s so fucking perfect.

She’s asked me a few times when she’s going to be able to come out and see where I live and meet my brothers, but I don’t know what it is that’s holding me back.

Quill has found himself an ol’ lady, Jasmine, and he married her.

Hawke married Jasmine’s best friend, Luisa.

They’ve both got families.

It seems all the brothers are finding their woman, and in my eyes, I’ve found mine. But I am concerned that if she comes down and sees how I live with the club girls here, it might force her to walk away. I’ve had to kill bad people with the hands that touch her in the night and caress her sweet body. If she only knew what I had to do to ensure my club was safe, she would run as far as she could.

I try and ride out to her every chance I get, and I can tell she’s finding it hard to be apart so often. But, if I’m honest, I’m finding it hard too, especially since we have been dating for four years, and I only see her a couple of times a month. I don’t know how she hasn’t kicked my ass to the curb. She can do better than me, even though it kills me to think about her with another man.

We spent a few days together when I visited her in Vixen Falls last month. She wanted me to meet her high school friend, Chloe, who was down from New York. We had a good time, but if I was honest, I preferred to be alone with Sophia. She’s all that matters. Well, her and my club.

I’ve met her family. Her old man hounds me constantly, asking when I’m going to get serious about his daughter and propose, making an honest woman out of her. I try to avoid the question as much as possible because I’ve never had luck in that department, and I want to be sure that Sophia is ready for that commitment. I know I am. God, I’d marry her in a heartbeat. But there’s so much she needs to know before we make that pledge, including the life I live.

If Sophia came out to the clubhouse, she’d be shocked at what goes on there. My boys try to keep it clean, but I’ve caught some of my brothers fucking their women or club girls right in front of our eyes. Of course, they know they should take it back to their room, but I guess they don’t give a shit who’s around when they’re balls deep in pussy. And if Sophia was to see any of that, she’d probably think that’s what I get up to when she’s not here.

I don’t.

That I can promise her.

But it doesn’t stop women offering themselves to me. And as tempting as it may be sometimes, there’s no way I could cheat on Sophia.

The woman is my future.

The boys think Sophia doesn’t exist.

Prez and Hawke have met her, but that’s about it. Whenever I ask Prez or Hawke to confirm that Sophia is real, they always stir shit up by acting as if they don’t know what I’m talking about. They’re assholes.

Blaze recently married Tess, and they have a baby on the way. If their love can get through what they had to in order to have a future, then anyone can. It seems us brothers love hard. You just have to look at Prez and his queen to see how much love he has for her and his kids.

Even Rhyder is seriously in love with Lexi.

Trigger—don’t get me started there. He’s always been a womanizer. He would have a different woman each night. We used to call him a manwhore before he met Charity. I never thought I’d see the day he settled down, but he did, and he married Charity.

It won’t be long, and I will be the only single man in this clubhouse.

But I want what they have, I just need to take a chance and get Sophia up here. The club is having a family barbecue, and they’ve asked me to bring Sophia to introduce her to the club. I’m thinking I will bring her down, so she can meet Tate properly because he’s coming down with his men, and it will be good to see him. Plus, I know Jasmine and the other ol’ ladies will look after Sophia and make her feel welcome. I just know the shit I’m going to cop from the brothers when they meet her for the first time. I’m sure dying to show her off to everyone so they can see how lucky I am to have her by my side.

If any of my brothers even try something with her, then they’re dead men. But law is law, and by that, it’s known that if a brother has an ol’ lady and patched them in, then they’re off-limits.

Maybe that’s what I’ll do, make her my ol’ lady.

Sophia won’t understand that, but at least I will, and my brothers will know she’s mine and only mine.