Nodding, I reply, “Yeah, I did. I gotta thank Hawke for lending me his cot.”

Prez gives me a chin lift.

“So, you guys live here?” I ask, looking around at the club.

“Yes and no. Some of us do, but some have women or a family they head home to each night. But this is their home, and they know they are always welcome here.

I turn fully to face Prez. “You really are like a family, aren’t you?”

He smiles his white teeth on full show. “Yeah, I like to think so. I have the best men in this club. Men I would trust with my life. You know what I mean, you being an FBI agent.”

I think about his words and can relate. “Yeah, I can. Sam, who’s my partner in crime, I trust him with my life. He’s a good man, and I know he will always have my back.”

Prez nods. “So you see, we are not that different.”

This does feel like a home.

“So you ready to go see your brother today?”

Daisy places Quill’s coffee in front of him, and he takes it into his hands, thanking her.

“Yeah, I am. I need to give him a good talking to.”

He stares out into the distance, and I can’t help but ask, “You have any brothers or sisters?” His eyes move back to me, and he shakes his head.

“Nope, just me.”

I nod. “Might not be such a bad thing.”

He sighs. “I don’t know about that. It would have been nice to have someone else to depend on, and someone else my old man could pay attention to rather than wanting me to be at his beck and call. I sense something in Quill’s voice—a definite dislike of his father.

“I’m sensing you don’t get along with your dad.”

He sips his coffee. “You could say that,” he replies, and I can tell he doesn’t want to talk about him, so I change the subject.

“I’m gonna go have a shower, then I’ll be out of your hair. I appreciate all your help, and I mean that. If it wasn’t for you and your men, I wouldn’t have found my brother.”

Quill frowns. “We’re going with you.”

Raising my eyebrows, I reply, “You are? You don’t need to do that. You’ve already done too much.”

Shaking his head, he places his coffee on the bar. “You think I’m going to let an FBI agent just walk into a biker club? We’re not all this hospitable, and who knows if they will ignore what you do as easily as we did. Plus, I’ve been meaning to check out the Sinners’ clubhouse and talk with their president. You should never ride into a club unprotected. You get me, brother?”

I think on his words. He’s right. Who knows what I’ve got waiting for me at the Sinners’ clubhouse? I mean, my brother is there, but who knows what the club knows about me and if they know I’m an FBI agent. They could think I was investigating the club and my brother might have something to do with it as well. If my brother’s smart, he would have kept my career a secret.

“I don’t want to make trouble for you. You sure you wanna help me out?”

He places his hand on my shoulder. “I wouldn’t be able to rest knowing I sent you there, and you weren’t protected. So we’re coming with you.”

“Appreciate it,” I reply, then look to Daisy. “Thanks for the coffee.”

“You’re welcome, honey. Go shower, and I’ll have eggs ready for you when you get out. Smiling, I look from Daisy to Quill. “I could get used to this lifestyle.”

Quill opens his arms. “It’s the only one I want.”

I tap him on the back and make my way to Hawke’s room.