Annie:Morning, we need to talk about my date last night. Can you catch up for coffee?”

I’m such a bad friend. I was so engrossed in Ryan that I didn’t even call her last night to see how her date with Colin went.

Looking at my watch, I know I need to head to the office and prepare for the meeting, but the meeting isn’t until twelve with Mr. Swan, so I have some time to catch up with my bestie.

Me:See you there in 20?

Annie:Perfect. See you then.

Locking the door behind me, I walk out to the street where my car is parked. I unlock the door and place my laptop and bag on the passenger’s seat before I take a seat behind the wheel and drive out to Falls Café.

“There you are.” Annie is at our usual table by the window, standing with her arms out and a big smile.

“Hey, Annie,” I reply, giving her a hug, then placing my bag on the back of my chair before I take a seat.

“What can I get you two?”

Looking up, I find Gabbi once again serving me.

“Oh, hey, Gabbi. I’ll have my regular.”

“Me too,” Annie adds.

Gabbi takes our orders but stands there.

Frowning, I ask, “Is something up, Gabbi?”

“Well, what was he like?”

I tilt my head. “What was who was like?”

She smiles shyly. “That hot guy who had lunch with you yesterday.” She points to the table I was sitting at with Ryan.

Waving her off, I say, “Oh that guy. He was nobody.”

“Whatwhois like?” Annie asks with a big smile.

“Nothing. Gabbi doesn’t know what she’s talking about,” I reply, continuing to look through the menu. Annie snatches the menu out of my hands while saying, “Soph, you’re lying, I can tell.”

She looks back at Gabbi. “Seeing she won’t tell me, who are you talking about, Gabbi?”

Gabbi smiles and replies, “The hottest man I have ever seen came in yesterday asking about some guy, and she had lunch with him,” she says, gesturing to me with her pen again.

Annie kicks me under the table.

“Ouch, what was that for?” I ask, pretending that the kick hurt when, in fact, it was only a light touch.

“You’re holding back from me, Soph.”

“No, I’m not.” I look from Annie to Gabbi, and they both have that twinkle in their eyes like they are craving gossip.

“We’re here to talk about you, not me.”

“Oh, come on. You haven’t spoken about a guy in a while. Who is this man?”

Before I can open my mouth, Gabbi continues, “He rode in on a motorcycle. He had the greenest eyes you have ever seen.” She begins to fan herself with her notepad.

“They weren’t that green,” I say.