He looks out the window, his chin resting in his hand. “No, it wasn’t. You’re right… it should have been me. They wanted me. Tracker had to step in the firing line to protect me. He’s always protected me my whole life.” His words are low, and I can tell he’s struggling to talk.
“He loved you, Tate. He wanted the best for you.”
“He loved you too,” Tate adds as he looks at me.
“I know… it’s just so hard. I can’t believe he’s gone.” Tears spill over again, and Tate reaches for me, and I cry into his chest. This time I don’t fight him. I need to lean on someone, and if anyone can understand what I am going through, it’s him.
“Shit, Tate, your mom. I didn’t even think about her. Is she okay? Where is she?”
“Luke’s taking her back to her hotel. I’ll go see her after I drop you back at the clubhouse.”
“She must be so upset. I can’t believe all I thought about was me. I didn’t even talk to her. I’m such a terrible person.”
“No, you’re not,” Tate says, pulling away my hair from my damp face. “You loved Tracker, and you lost him. My mom will understand.”
I nod and fall back into his chest as we make our way back to the clubhouse.
It takes everything in my power to stop myself from running to her. To tell her that I’m alive, I’m here in the flesh and standing before her. Instead, I watch from afar as Tate carries Sophia to the car, kicking and screaming away from my grave—a grave that holds a cadaver that the FBI used instead of mine. A body my club was told was burned severely and unrecognizable, which meant an open coffin wasn’t an option.
It is true, I was burned and I still wear the scars beneath my shirt to prove it, but that’s a long story and one I intend to tell. But right now, I have a job to do, to bring the cartel down and off our streets, and I’m the best man for the task.
I know Sophia will be okay eventually. She has a life to live, and she will always have the protection of my brother and my club—a promise I know Tate will keep.
I will always love her and maybe even regret letting her go, but she never committed to being my ol’ lady, and that was something that hurt me deeply. But sometimes, a man needs to make a choice, and I’ve made mine.
One I know will protect my club and their families.
“Sophia, get your ass on my bike, or I’ll carry you on there.”
“I said…no.I’m not going back with you. I want to stay here. I want to stay in Ryan’s bed. I’m not ready to leave.”
She’s driving me fucking crazy. It’s been a month, and now it is time for her to return to her life. Sophia cannot live here. Not that the Blood Brothers are trying to get rid of her because Jasmine loves having her here, but it’s not healthy for Sophia to continue living life like she’s a zombie. She needs to pick her life back up and continue with her work. When her parents couldn’t get in touch with her, they called me. Somehow they got my number and begged me to bring her home, which is exactly what I’m doing, but she’s being an immature little shit who won’t listen.
Picking her up, I place her on my bike and shove the helmet on her head. Then, pointing my finger, I say, “Move, and I’ll force you back on.”
She huffs under the helmet, and I catch the Blood Brothers standing there, watching us with smiles on their faces.
Fuckers! I’ll give them something to smile about.
It’s been hard on them too.
The club hasn’t been the same since Tracker died.
He meant a lot to them.
Having to go on as if Tracker never existed is damn hard because everyone loved him. He had a way of making you laugh, and he was smart as fuck.
That night when I was taken, I never imagined Tracker would come to save me. I thought a deal was going down the following day, but Tracker had other plans and used his magic to find us.
When Tracker was shot, there was no time to do anything but run, the sirens announcing that the police were near, forced us to get the hell out of there. The fire was blazing all around us, smoke causing our vision to blur.
My priority was to get Tracker’s body out of there, but when I tried, Quill and Hawke grabbed me, forcing me to leave. I begged them to let me go back in, but they wouldn’t let me go. I’m not sure I’ve forgiven them for that, but I understand my life would have come to an end if they didn’t get me out, and then Tracker’s sacrifice would have been in vain.
The hardest part was telling Sophia the news that Tracker had died. But, I promised Tracker I would protect her, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do. I owe him that much. Even if she is being a damn hothead.