Sighing, I promise myself I will visit this room before I leave and get some use of these books. Reluctantly, I leave to head out and continue my tour of the house.
As I travel down the hallway, I open doors and find guest rooms. The styling of the rooms continues with all fluffy white duvets with light and dark blue pillows.
Finally, at the end of the hallway are double doors that open to the main bedroom. Again, I am stunned at the room and the view of the ocean it looks out on. A king bed sits in the center, and there’s an inground spa in the corner where you can bathe and enjoy the scenery.
Walking up to the bi-folding doors, I unlock and slide them open, allowing the breeze to enter. There’s a small courtyard with two deck chairs overlooking the sea with a table between them.
This is going to be bliss.
Standing there, taking in the serenity, a voice says, “Hello, miss.”
Turning toward the voice, I can just make out a man standing behind some high bushes. Stepping outside a little further, he comes into view, walking around to meet me.
Sweat glistens on his torso, and he lifts his hand to wipe away the moisture from his forehead. If I was to guess, I’d say he’s in his early thirties.
“Hi, I’m Matt. Who are you? Are you guests here?”
“Um… hi, Matt, I’m Sophia. Yes, me and my boyfriend are. Are you a gardener?” I ask, my eyes focusing on the clippers he has in his hand.
He smiles and nods. “Yes, I am. I’m usually here every weekend. Mr. Oxley likes the gardens well maintained, and now that it’s summer, I need to make sure the gardens are well hydrated.”
He turns and covers his eyes with his hand looking out at the garden. I follow his sight and see all the beautiful white roses surrounding a box hedge and admit that a lot of time has been spent maintaining this garden.
“It’s beautiful.”
“Why, thank you, Sophia.”
He reaches out his hand to mine, and I accept it. His blue eyes look me over, and I can tell he likes what he sees. His eyes travel from my face to my breasts, and I let go of his hand, saying, “Nice to meet you, Matt. I’m just going to go and check on my boyfriend.”
“Right,” he says, smiling. “Well, I hope you enjoy it here. It’s a beautiful place to relax and have a swim. Do you like swimming, Sophia?”
“Yes, I do. Although I must admit, I’m not a very good swimmer,” I reply, giggling.
“Ah… I’m sure you’re just being modest.”
“Is everything okay here?” a deep voice asks behind me.
Turning around, I find an incredibly angry Ryan walking toward me. Once he reaches me, he pulls me back against him and kisses me on my head.
“Oh, hey, I was just talking to Sophia. I’m the gardener, Matt.”
Matt reaches his hand out to Ryan, but he doesn’t accept it. Matt senses the awkwardness and drops his hand. “Right, I’ll leave you two to it.”
“Thank you, Matt,” I reply, smiling to cover up Ryan’s bad manners.
“Right, well, I’ll continue cutting these hedges.” He leaves to walk back to where he was, and I turn around in Ryan’s arms.
“That was rude,” I state, looking up at him. He clenches his jaw, and I can tell he’s pissed.
“Rude… he’s lucky I didn’t tell him to fuck off. I saw the way he was looking at you. He wanted you.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” I say, somewhat annoyed. “He was simply introducing himself.”
Removing myself from his grasp, I turn toward the bed where Ryan has placed our bag and open up mine.
Heat reaches my back, and Ryan’s arms turn me around to face him.
“Baby, I’m a man, and I know what men are like, and believe me, he wanted you.”