“Because Tracker wouldn’t hit anyone for nothing, especially a brother. So, what was it, Gunner?”
Gunner sighs and sits back in his chair, looking down at me.
“He touched my woman,” I growl out, and Gunner’s eyes widen.
“I did?”
“Don’t act like you don’t remember. I caught you two in the kitchen… your hands were on her.”
“Fuck!” Prez grunts, and Gunner rubs the back of his neck with his hand. “Man, I’m sorry. I don’t remember even doing that. I do, however, remember your right hook and Sophia helping me.”
“Yeah, she was helping you, man, because I hit you for going against our brother code.”
“Tracker, you gotta believe me… if I did that, I don’t remember. I was plastered last night. I remember heading to the kitchen to get water, and she was there, but I don’t remember touching her.”
“Touchin’ her and flirtin’ with her,” I add.
He crosses his arms. “She is beautiful.”
I get up from my seat and point. “You fuckin’ watch it, Gunner,” I snarl.
“Sit down,” Prez yells. “Gunner, this is not a joke. If it’s true that you hit on his woman, we gotta have words.”
Gunner laughs. “I’m sorry. I’m just pullin’ your chain a little. It’s a compliment. She is beautiful, but she’s not mine. She’s yours, and I’d never do anything that goes against the club or you. Please accept my apology.”
Prez turns to me. “Tracker?”
Turning to Prez, I feel heat run through me as my blood boils.
“Tracker, you need to calm down.” Hearing a chair creak, I notice Gunner is getting up and walking around the table to me. He throws his hand out. “Please, accept my apology. I didn’t mean any disrespect.” The look in his eyes is genuine, and I know that he’s sorry. Shit, the guy was plastered, but I couldn’t help the rage I felt when I saw the two of them together. I could have killed him if it weren’t for Sophia.
Looking down at his outstretched hand, I accept it, and he pulls me in for a hug. “I’m sorry,” he repeats in my ear, and I nod and pull back. “Are we cool?” Gunner asks, his hand still on my shoulder.
“Yeah, we’re good.”
“Good, I’m glad we cleared that up. Gunner, you need to find yourself a woman and settle down.”
Gunner snaps his head to Prez. “Not happening, Prez. Well, not for now anyway. But I’ll say this… I am open to the idea. After seeing you all happy and in relationships, I think it might not be so bad.”
Prez smiles wide, and I tap Gunner on the back. “You won’t regret it, I promise.”
Gunner turns to me. “Talking about women, when you gonna patch her in as your property, man?”
“Soon. Very soon.”
“Good! Now go enjoy yourselves,” Prez says, standing and walking to Gunner and me. He places a hand on each of our shoulders. “Remember, we’re brothers. Ain’t nobody gonna take that away from us, so don’t be the ones to ruin what we have. Communicate and do right by each other. You got me?”
“Yeah, we got you,” we say.
Gunner then leaves, and I stop Prez, asking him if we can talk.
He nods, and I look at Gunner, who turns to us and then with understanding, shuts the door.
“What is it, brother?”
“I have a situation.”
“Yeah, tell me.” Prez turns the chair around and takes a seat.