What has Tracker done that’s causing Lexi to be so emotional?

“So please, be good to him. He deserves nothing but happiness.”

I look behind Lexi and see the rest of the girls’ faces are also emotional. Jasmine even wipes away a tear. There’s a lot more to this than I’m aware of.

“Tracker’s been there for all of us,” Jasmine adds, walking closer to Lexi and placing her hands on her shoulders. “He’s like our own brother if that makes sense. He has helped the club immensely, and that includes us women. We’ve all got our stories to tell.”

“What’s going on in here?”

We all turn our heads and find Ryan standing by the door with his hands placed on the inside of the door.

“We’re just finding out more about your girl, Tracker,” Jasmine explains, moving closer to him and messing his hair.

“Hey… don’t mess with my look, Jazz.”

“Sorry, Tracker. How long did it take you this morning?”

He looks at me a little embarrassed, then back to Jasmine and points his finger at her. “Be good, Jazz, or else I’ll have to tell Prez what a naughty girl you’re being.”

“Ha! Just do it. He would love that.”

“Okay, way too much information. Soph, you wanna have a tour of the clubhouse?”

“Sure,” I reply, looking at Lexi, who now has a smile on her face. “See you ladies later,” I say while waving at them.

“Have fun,” Jasmine replies with a smirk.

Ryan takes me back out to the main room, and a few men and women have now entered the clubhouse, and the music is turned up a little.

“So what goes on in here?”

“This is where we wind down, have a beer, and talk.”

“And Party,” I add.

Ryan brings my hand to his lips. “Yeah, and party.”


He takes me through a hallway, and another large room opens up. “This is a gym?”

“Yeah, well, kind of. Trigger used to be an MMA fighter, so he likes to train here. Plus, it’s good for us to keep fit and all.”

I take in the boxing ring that’s set up and some weights to the side in the corner.This must be why all the bikers have great bodies and keep fit.

Ryan releases my hand and walks over to where a photograph sits on the wall. “Come here,” he asks over his shoulder, and I follow him to look at the image of a man who appears as if he’s just won a fight. He’s bleeding from the corner of his right eye, and the referee is holding one of his arms in the air. There’s a smile on the man’s face as he holds a fighting belt.

“Is that Trigger?” I ask, moving in closer.

“Yeah, it is. This was when he won one of the biggest MMA fights of his career.”

My eyes travel from the photograph to Ryan, and I see pride written all over his face as he continues to look at the picture with a smile.

Turning around, I make my way to the fighting ring and peer inside. “Do you fight here also?”

He turns to face me and takes small steps toward me. “When I get the chance, yeah, I do. Most of the time, I take on Rhyder, because, well, I’m faster than he is. I’m not game enough to take on Trigger.”

“Come, I want to show you more.”