“Ryan,” she repeats, smiling. “Is that his name?”

“Yes,” I reply, sitting back in my chair with my hands cupping my mug.

“So, who is he, and why haven’t I heard of him?”

I tap my nails on the mug. “Because he’s not from around here. He was driving through.”

Her eyebrows raise. “So you just met him and what?”

I shrug. “And… I may have invited him over for dinner.”

“Shut up! Are you crazy? He could have been a serial killer.”

I think about her words and remember I had the same thought. It was a little crazy of me to invite a stranger back to my home, but I didn’t feel like I was in danger around him. He seemed sincere and honest.

“I didn’t get that about him,” I reply with a giggle.

“I’m serious, Sophia. You let a stranger into your home.”

“Look, okay, I get it. I took a risk.” I rest my chin in my hand and look out the window. Memories of our night together come flooding back.

“Sophia, where are you?”

Looking back at Annie, I reply, “I’m here, sorry. My mind was elsewhere.”

“Ah-ha! You slept with him, didn’t you?”

“No,” I reply, my cheeks heating right before her eyes.

“Your lying, Sophia. Look at you! You’re practically glowing.”

Lifting my hands to cover my face, I admit the truth. “Okay, okay, I can’t lie to you. I did. I slept with a complete stranger, and it was the best sex of my life.”

Annie squeals and begins to dance in her chair.

“Shush!” I say. “Everyone is looking at us.”

She waves her hand. “Forget about everyone else. How is it possible that the two of us had the best sex of our lives on the same night?”

“I know, right.” I high-five her.

“Tell me about him?”

I sigh and take another sip of my coffee. “What’s to tell? He was driving through Vixen Falls, looking for his brother. He asked me if I’d seen his brother around, and after I had said no, I blurted out if he would like to join me for lunch. At first, he said no, but then he decided to stay.”

Stopping to drink some coffee, I lift the mug to my lips, take another sip, and place it back down. I continue, “We got to talking, and he told me about how his brother was missing and that he was an FBI agent. He made it clear he wasn’t in town for long and was simply driving through, but before he left, I invited him for dinner, knowing I couldn’t let this hot-as-hell man out of my sight. I mean, you know how it is here, Annie, everyone knows everyone, and other than Domenic, there’s no other man who’s ever caught my attention or made me feel butterflies.”

Annie is clinging to my every word.

“I tell you, Annie, I didn’t recognize myself around him. But as soon as he entered my house, there was chemistry, we clicked, and we could both feel the sexual tension.”

“Wow,” she says, her eyes staring into mine.

“You have to tell me more.”

Shaking my head, I look at my phone to check the time. “I can’t, I have to go. I have a meeting with Mr. Swan. I need to head to the office first before our meeting at noon.”

Standing, Annie stops me by shooting out her hand to mine. “Promise me we’ll finish this conversation tonight over drinks.”