“Don’t mention it.” He looks behind him, then back at me. “Take Julz with you. I’m sure she can work her magic on you.” He winks, and I laugh.

“Yeah, thanks for the offer but not tonight.”

“Sorry, Julz,” Hawke yells out. “I tried, but he’s not keen. Go find yourself another brother.”

Julz crosses her arms and turns, walking back into the clubhouse.

Hawke pulls Becky off him and steps closer. “Good decision,” he whispers. “I may have caught something the last time I fucked her. You made a good move, brother.” Hawke laughs and taps me on my shoulder. Then turns and grabs Becky by her waist and walks her to his bike.

Is he for real?Did he just try and offer me a girl who gave him some sort of fucking STI?Unbelievable. Still, he has me smiling all the way back to the clubhouse.

Passing through the club, I spot Jess straddling Quill’s lap and kissing him. I bend down and grab the duffel bag I left there earlier.

Quill must notice me because he stops kissing Jess and looks over her shoulder at me. “You good?”

“Yeah, I’m good. But, turning in, it’s been a long day.”

Quill nods, and I’m glad he doesn’t try to make me stay and drink with him further into the night, he must know I need the rest.

“You can have my room if you don’t mind sharing with me and Jess here.”Is he offering a threesome?Quill lets out a laugh, and I follow. “I’m just playing with ya. If you need a spare room, I’ll get Jess here to make up a bed for you. We’ve been planning to get the spare room fixed up but haven’t had a reason to.”

“Nah,” I reply while waving my hand. “It’s all good. Hawke has lent me his room. He’s staying at…” For a moment, I forget the chick’s name he was with and rub my jaw.

“Becky?” Quill asks.

“Yeah. That’s her, Becky.”

“Figures. Okay, brother, I’ll see you in the morning and drive you to the airport. I’ll organize to get your bike transferred, so it’s ready for you when you get there.”

“You don’t need to do that.”

“It’s no problem, happy to.”

“Appreciate it.”

“Anytime,” Quill replies, and I place my bag over my shoulder and look behind Quill to where I think the rooms are located.

Quill squeezes Jess’s butt with one hand, and she cries out. She immediately kisses him again, and I’m all but forgotten. I move past the table and head down the hallway, looking to the left and right. I catch the second door with a sign on the front that reads, ‘Keep out.’

Placing the key into the doorknob, I find it fits and unlocks. Pushing open the door, I switch the light on before I step in. Surprisingly the room is cleaner than I expected. I mean, the bed’s not made, and sheets have fallen to the floor, but other than a couple of shirts draped over the side chair, it’s tidy.

Shutting the door behind me, I place my bag on the edge of the bed and look around. I spot some pictures on Hawk’s dresser and walk toward them to get a better look. They’re of him with Quill and Blaze back when they served. There’s an image of a woman holding a baby—looks like it may be his mom and Hawke. I have to ask him what the name Hawke stands for. Surely, it’s not his real name.

There’s a door to the right, so I open and sigh when I realize he has his own bathroom. I could use a shower. I head back to my bag to grab some clothes and shower gel, then walk back to the bathroom.

Quickly undressing, I step under the hot water and let the heat relax my muscles from the long ride. I stand there with my hands against the cold tiled wall as the water drips down my back.Was it only this morning that I had a shower with Sophia?

I shut my eyes and try to remember everything from our shower together. It had started with me on my knees, tasting Sophia’s sweet honey. She was wet as soon as my tongue had licked her. And it had given me pride knowing I was the one making her that way.

Her hands clawed at my head, and I draped her legs around my shoulders, balancing her as she steadied herself against the tiled wall. Finally, she came so hard she went limp in my arms. I kissed her hard, swallowing her cries. I was so turned on that in one swift motion, I had her wet pussy around my cock. I tried to hold off from coming as much as I could. I didn’t know what it was about her. Maybe it’s how her body responded so well to mine that had me coming in no time.

Just thinking of her now, I’m hard as fuck.

I open my eyes and look down at my arousal. I fist my cock and squeeze, feeling myself pulsate with need.Fuck, I’m going to have to take care of this.

I begin to stroke, slow at first, with the image of Sophia in front of me, her mouth open in a sigh when I surprised her by impaling her sweet body. Her eyes are shut, and all the while, she cries with every thrust. The image of her in all her glory has me fisting and pumping harder. Pausing for a second to grab some bath gel, I squeeze it into my hand and pump my cock again, giving me better friction.

I pick up the pace, the head of my cock looking pink with a vein popping out on the side of the girth. “Fuck!”I growl, feeling the warmth of my cum spill out of me and onto the shower floor. With one hand flat against the tiles and the other pumping, I feel my release all the way down my spine.