“There’s something about Sophia. She’s sweet, she’s beautiful, she’s—”

“A good lay,” Quill interrupts.

I can’t help but laugh. “Yeah, there’s that too,” I agree.

The rest of the conversation is about my past and how I became an FBI agent. He explained his past and how he was a Marine but was discharged due to disobeying a direct order. I didn’t tell him that I already knew his background. I couldn’t have him thinking he was right when he thought I was here to investigate the club.

He served with Hawke and Blaze and explained how they followed him when he was dishonorably discharged. All three felt like they were missing something in their life, a brotherhood like they had in the Marines. That’s when they came across the Blood Brothers. Bull was the president of the club at the time. He was a little crazy, but his men respected him. Quill explained how Bull didn’t think twice and made him feel welcome from the day all three of them decided to stay. I know for a fact that before Quill became president, the club was smuggling drugs into New York and had links to some shady people.

Bull died, and Quill was voted president even though he wasn’t one of the longest-serving members. He vowed to change the club and not deal in any illegal crap. They have a couple of bars and businesses they own and make money from them. Well, that’s what my investigation uncovered. I’ve never had to dig deeper into their club, and it’s possible they have some things hidden. Let’s face it, they are 1%ers.

Feeling my phone buzz in my pocket, I pull it out to Sophia flashing. Smiling, I look up at Quill and say, “Sorry, man, I gotta grab this.”

“Pussy whipped, I tell you,” I hear him say before I walk out of the clubhouse to take the call.

“Sophia, how are you?”

“Hey, Ryan. I hope I’m not disturbing you. I just wanted to check in with you to see if you made it to New York safely. I hope that’s okay.”

Placing my free hand in my front jeans pocket, I reply, “Of course, it’s okay. You never have to ask me that, Sophia.”


“Sophia, you there?” I ask, noticing the phone has gone quiet.

“Yeah, I’m here. I just… I just wanted to know if you’ve heard anything about your brother.”

She cares.

“Yeah, I have. It’s good news. I’ve found out where he is. A local New York motorcycle club has helped me out, put me in touch with some contacts, and I’ve found him. You’re not going to believe where he is.

“Wait a minute… you’re with a motorcycle club? Are you in danger, Ryan?”

“No, no, I’m fine. They have been helpful. They’re good guys.”

“Oh, okay, if you say so, then I believe you. That’s great news about your brother. Where is he?”

Running my hand down the back of my neck, I reply, “He’s in Vegas. Can you believe it? I’ve traveled around the country to find him, and he was only a few hours away from me.”

“Oh no, are you okay? You must be tired.”

“Nah, I’m good. Honestly.

“I’m so happy you found him. Is he sorry for worrying you?”

“Yeah,” I reply, kicking a small pebble across the concrete floor. “He apologized. I’m gonna try and fly back tomorrow to see him and make sure with my own eyes that he’s fine and not just saying that to worry me.”

“You’re a good brother,” she says, and I feel my stomach somersault. I’ve only just met her and feel so connected to her.

“Thanks, but I’m not sure that’s exactly true.”

“Of course, it is. He’s lucky to have you in his life.”

Leaning up against the building, I picture Sophia naked on her bed just like she was last night. “What are you wearing?” I ask in a low, husky voice.

She giggles. “Sorry, what?” I know she heard what I asked her. She’s just shy.

“You heard me. What are you wearing?”