“Just say it. You can tell me anything.”
Pulling her hand away from her face, I repeat, “Anything, Sophia.”
She inhales. “Will I ever see you again? Or was this just a one-night thing?”
I run my hand down my face, then scratch my jaw, trying to think about how I can answer this question, knowing she deserves the truth. “To be honest, Sophia, I have no idea. I wasn’t planning this. I wasn’t planning on meeting you. My life is crazy right now. My job pretty much takes up most of my time. Vixen Falls is miles from LA, and—”
She places her fingers on my lips, pausing my words. “You don’t need to explain, Ryan. I get it. I really do.”
I don’t know why, but my heart aches because I know this girl is special. But right now, I don’t know how I could make this work, and I don’t want to make any promises I may be unable to keep. “I know you do. But you need to know that if I could stay longer, I would. First, I must find my brother and know he’s safe. After that, I’m just not sure, but I would like to see you again.”
She smiles shyly. “You would?”
“Yeah, I would,” I reply, then lean in and give her a soft kiss.” Then, pulling back, I look into her eyes. “I need some time, but I promise I’ll call.”
Happy with anything I can get from this perfect man, I simply nod and say, “I’m happy with that.”
As Ryan takes off on his motorcycle, I wave him off.
We showered together this morning and made love again. My orgasm was so intense it brought tears to my eyes. How could I have only met Ryan yesterday when I feel that I’ve known him my whole life?
He’d changed back into his clothes and explained that he had to go back to his hotel, grab his things, and head out to New York.
We exchanged phone numbers, and although he said he would call me, I’m not holding my breath. He has a life, and being an FBI agent means he’s got his career to take care of, and, of course, the search for his brother takes precedence. I wish I could have gone with him on this ride, but I didn’t have the heart to ask him if I could come along. On the other hand, I didn’t want to put him in an awkward situation either. This might be something he needs to do on his own.
Watching him turn out of my street, I feel a sense of sadness but try and disregard it because I need to forget Ryan, and the quicker I do that, the better it will be for me even though it had been the best night of my life.
But that was until I entered my bedroom and took in the sheets on the floor, our wet towels hanging on the corner chair, all proof of our incredible night. Trying to avoid the scent of him lingering in my room, I grab the sheets from the floor and the pillowcases heading to the laundry. Trying not to think about him but failing miserably when I bring the pillowcase up to my face and inhale his scent.
This is going to be harder than I thought.
Hearing my phone chime, I head back into my bedroom and lift it, my heart fluttering when I see it’s a text from Ryan.
Ryan: Thank you an amazing night and morning. Talk to you soon, baby.<3
I don’t miss the heart emoji he added at the end of the message.
Smiling, I quickly reply.
Me:I’m the one that should be thanking you. But it was a pleasure.
Trying not to be too needy, I also add,Talk to you soon, baby. <3
I also add the same emoji and press send.
Feeling like I have a new pep in my step, I continue cleaning my apartment before I head out to the office to finalize my designs for the Swan account.
Parking my bike on the curb of a bar surrounded by bikes, I lift myself off and stretch out my arms, hearing my bones crack. It’s been a long ride, and I only stopped twice to use the bathroom.
Removing my helmet and placing it on my seat, I fish out my cell and double-check that I have the right address that Sam had text me earlier for a local motorcycle bar hangout. Apparently, there’s a club that hangs out here a lot called the Blood Brothers.