Diane raises a brow saying, “Lex, are you going to change? We’re late?”

“Ah… I am changed.”

“You’re wearing that?” she blurts out with a disapproving tone.

Stacey pushes past her and walks to me placing her hands on my shoulders. “You look great, no matter what you wear.”

“Thanks, Stace, this is why I love you the most,” I reply, leaning in and hugging her.

“Yeah, yeah. Let’s go, Jack is waiting.”

Jack is Diane’s annoying brother who we put up with because he gives us a ride when we need it. I’ve got my license but haven’t had a chance to buy a car. My dad keeps saying he’s going to take me car shopping, but I guess he’s been too busy with work.

I turn and face my mom. “Okay, we’re off. See you later.” Mom hugs me and says, “Don’t be out too late, girls.”

“We won’t, Mrs. A.”

I look back at Diane winking at me.

“I saw that, Diane,”

“Saw what?” Diane asks, looking as if she’s confused at my mom.

“Bye, Mom.”

She waves us off, and we get into Jack’s car. He greets us with his girlfriend, Eva, and drives off. We pass Beats nightclub and notice the huge line out front.

“Wow, it’s so busy tonight,” Eva says, pointing to the line.

“Don’t worry, babe, I know the bouncer,” Jack says. We park out front and step out. Jack waves to the bouncer, and I can’t actually believe that he does know him because the bouncer waves back. Jack knows a lot of people, and I have to say, it’s a positive thing when you want to sneak in past the line. Jack’s twenty and goes to NYU on a scholarship. Jack was always a popular jock in school—all the girls loved him and wanted to be his girlfriend—but he only had eyes for Eva. They’ve been dating since their senior year and are still going strong. Eva is at design school and only gets to see Jack on weekends.

Zane wanted the same for us. The whole long-distance relationship, even though we were going to be five hours apart. Zane’s a great guy, and there are many girls who would love to be his. I just didn’t want to waste his or my time if I didn’t have those feelings for him that I knew I should.

“Hey, Scott, let us in, man,” Jack says to the bouncer at the door.

“Sure thing, Jack. These fine ladies with you?” Scott asks and looks over at us girls. His eyes pause on Diane who I notice is also checking him out.

“Hey! Get your eyes off my sister, bro.”

Scott laughs. “This girl here’s your sister? Well, fuck me, your sister’s hot.”

Jack knows he’s playing with him but pretends as though he’s putting him in a headlock.

“Guys, guys, come on, we don’t have time for this. Let us in, Scott,” Eva says, and I’m glad because it’s freezing out here even with my denim jacket on.

“Okay, fine, here you go, ladies.” Scott clips the red rope to allow us entry, then closes it before Jack steps through.

“Hey, don’t be an asshole.”

“I’m just playin’ with ya, Jack. Get your ass inside.”

Jack shakes Scott’s hand, and we enter the foyer where we hand in our jackets to the girl in the cloakroom. Dance music is blaring behind us, and we make our way through the doors. A man standing there places a stamp on our wrists, then lets us through. The room is dark with neon and laser lighting shining around the room.

I look at Diane and Stacey, and we all say in unison, “Let’s get a drink.”

We step over to the bar, but it’s crowded with people everywhere, and there’s no way we will be able to get a drink.

“What are you having, babe?” I turn to my right and see my ex, Zane, is standing next to me. I smile because even though we’ve broken up, we’re still friends. Zane was upset at first but has now come to realize I was right. It wouldn’t work between us.