I’ve showered and changed, and I am sitting in a chair in the corner of the room watching Paige’s every move. I called her parents earlier, and they’re so thankful. They asked me for details, but I couldn’t give them much. I told them that Paige was found and that she will be delivered to their home safely. They had tried to ask me for more, but I explained to them that I was still searching for their other daughter, Lexi.

Lexi’s mom cried over the phone thanking me, and she asked how I knew her girls. I just said I’d met Lexi in the past and saw that they were missing on the news. I told her all would be explained once Lexi’s home and safe. I finalized the call with them saying they were going to catch the next flight home, so they could be back in New York for Paige.

Screams echo around the room, and I intuitively know Paige is having a nightmare. As I try to wake her with my voice, she falls fast asleep again.

Thirty minutes pass when I hear mumbling.

I get up from my chair this time and walk to the side of the bed. Her eyes flutter open. I sit beside her and place my hands on her shoulders. “Paige, can you hear me? You’re safe now.”

Paige finally opens her eyes fully, and she blinks a couple of times. She must recognize me because she croaks out, “Rhyder?”

“Yes, that’s me. You remember?” Paige nods her head then holds it when pain must shoot through it. I quickly go to the bedside table where I placed two capsules of Advil earlier, knowing she would need it when she came to. “Here, take these,” I say, handing them to her and then a bottle of water. I help her sit, and she throws the tablets in her mouth and swallows them. She continues to drink a lot of water and then announces she needs to use the bathroom.

“I’ll help you up.” I help her off the bed, and she sways on her feet.Fuck!Quickly, I wrap my arms around her to keep her still. I look down at her tiny and fragile body in my arms. “Can you walk?”

She looks up at me and nods. “Yes… give me a minute.”

We stand there for a while, and then she removes her hands from around my waist. With slow, steady steps, she makes her way to the bathroom and turns around to close the door.

I stride over to the door and from the outside, I state, “If you need me, yell out.”

Paige doesn’t respond, so I let her do her business. When I hear the flush of the toilet, I make my way to the bed and get out my cell, checking to see if any calls have come through.

I hear the door open, and Paige stands there. “Would it be okay if I take a shower? I could really do with one right now.”

I smile. “Of course. Do what you want, you don’t need permission from me.”

She gives me a small smile and looks down at the floor. I can sense she wants something, so I ask, “What is it?”

Paige looks up at me—she’s so vulnerable. “I don’t want to wear this,” she tells me pinching the material of her negligee. “Would you have any clothes I can wear.”

I run my hand down my neck thinking what an idiot I’ve been. I should have sent one of the boys out to get her some clothes. So, to rectify it, I quickly pick up my cell and dial Prez’s number.

He picks up on the first ring. “Rhyder.”

“Prez… need a favor.”

“What’s up?”

“I need to get Paige some clothes. Any chance one of the brothers could head out to a mall to fetch some for her?”

“Sure, won’t be long.”


We hang up, and I walk to my duffel bag that’s on the floor beside the window and search for a T-shirt for her to wear for now. I come up with one of my white tees and hand it to her. “Here… wear this for now. One of my brothers will be back shortly with some clothes.” Her cheeks flush when she looks down at my T-shirt, and I wonder why. She goes to close the door, and I stop her by saying, “Paige?” She hesitantly looks up at me. “When you’re done, we need to have a talk. Okay?”

She nods. “Okay.”

“I’m goin’ to walk across to the diner while you’re havin’ a shower to grab you some food. You okay with that?”

Paige nods again seemingly so helpless and confused.

“You drink coffee?”

“Not really,” she whispers. “I’ll get you some anyway, caffeine will do you good.”

Paige closes the door, and I hear the water running, so I head out the motel room and lock it behind me to be safe. I make my way across the road and order her a ham and cheese croissant and a coffee to go. I order what I want, and quickly head back to the motel, eager to get some intel on Lexi and what Paige knows of her whereabouts.