No, not someone like Lexi but with Lexi?

Is it possible?

“There it is.”

I’m brought back to the present. “There’s what?”

“The realization hitting you that you could also have what you want.”

I smirk at him. “How’d you do that, brother?”

“It’s a gift. What can I say? I know women.”

I chuckle, remembering how Jasmine came to the clubhouse last night dragging Quill’s ass home because it was his turn to put the kids to bed while she went out with the girls.

Yeah, he’s pussy-whipped.

“Listen, Prez, I appreciate the advice and all, but this ain’t gonna happen with Lexi and me. There’s too much that’s happened with her… the last thing she needs is a man like me in her life.”

“That why you’ve been following her?”

I whip my head up to his.

Well, fuck! Maybe the prez knows more than I thought.

“Exactly what has Torch told you?” I question, folding my arms, angry now that I trusted him.

Prez takes a seat in the nearby chair, and I do the same facing him. “Torch told us how he got a call from you to help out with some girl who was in trouble, and you needed the club’s van. Said when he got there, you took her to the hospital and shit. You catch the fuckers that did that shit to her?”

I tense my fists. The number of times I’ve stayed up at night wishing I hadn’t let those fuckers go so easily, sends me into a rage. How I should have beaten them to death, or better yet, cut their fucking dicks off. But, at the time, Lexi needed me, and I had to get her to a hospital. I still have the fucker’s name and address embedded in my brain. I could still do it. The fucker lives a few hours away, and I could get it done in a day. The assholes probably thought they’d come for a weekend to fuck up some poor girl’s life and leave without a trace, well, maybe I can change all that and fuck up their lives.


“Oh, um… yeah, I caught them. They live out in Massachusetts. I threatened to find and kill them if I ever saw their ugly mugs around our neighborhood again. I should have fuckin’ did more, but there were more pressin’ issues.”

“Sounds like you’re her hero.”

“Come on, Prez, don’t go spittin’ out fairy tales, anyone would have done what I did.”

“Nah,” he says, shaking his head. “No, they wouldn’t. She was lucky you were there.”

I nod. “Don’t know if you’d call it lucky. The girl can’t get rid of me now, I can’t help but wonder if she’s okay all the fuckin’ time. She must think what a nutcase I am.”

“She knows you’re there? Watching out?”

“Didn’t think she did until today when she looked over at me and smiled.” I replay the vision of her in my mind with that sweet smile on her face and how she looked at me with a knowing stare like she’s known all along I’ve been watching out for her.

“Yeah, brother. Here’s some advice from one man to the other.” I lean in closer ready to hear. “Don’t think too much. If you want her, make it happen.”

Prez gets up and heads toward the church door. Turning to face me, he says, “No regrets.” He opens the door and leaves.

I can hear the boys outside, the music’s blaring, and they are all enjoying themselves.

Make it happen. No regrets.I think on those words for a few seconds and come back to my senses.I’m fucking dreaming.

I stand, shake my head, and walk out into the main room, needing to have a word with my boy, Torch.