“She’s a feisty little one. But that’s all the more fun, isn’t it, gentlemen?”

Fun? What? Why?

I hear men cheer and talk, and once the curtain is opened, she walks through along with red bowtie man.

The MC continues, “Candy is from Russia. She is fifteen years of age, and gentlemen… she is still intact.”

Still intact?Oh God! Does that mean she’s a virgin?

Are they bidding for us?

“Take a close look, gentlemen, and start your bidding.”


We are being sold.

I can hear the sound of buzzers being pressed behind the curtain, and the MC is reading out figures. I’m astounded by the pricing I’m hearing as it goes into the millions of dollars.

The MC finally announces, “Destiny has been sold. The owner can pick her up in the Collections Room after the show. Thank you, gentlemen. Let’s move on, shall we? Are you ready for girl number two this evening?”

Swallowing hard, I feel pressure on my arm. The soldier is pulling me forward to head up the steps. I struggle to walk, but knowing I can’t get out of here, all I can do is hope that whoever bids for me will purchase Paige as well, so we can live this nightmare together.

I walk up the stairs on shaky legs, and bowtie man smiles at me, taking my arm. “Come on, dear, we’ve got a show to do.”

I allow him to walk me in front of the curtain, and when he does, the sight before me is not what I was expecting.


Lots of men are sitting behind tables with buzzers in the middle. It almost looks like a school room with them all lined up. Ladies who are topless but wearing a thong are carrying trays offering drugs to the men. Some accept the drugs, take a sniff, and some rub it into their gums. I notice another woman carrying hard liquor while most of the men are smoking cigars. The women flirt with them, and they tip the girls sliding notes in their panties.

I stare around the room and notice that it dims, while smoke from their cigars is in abundance around the space. I feel sick right to the pit of my stomach at what is about to transpire, and I’m close to throwing up.

I search the room in hopes I can escape, but each door has a soldier with a gun on his shoulder.

There’s no getting out of this.

It is going to happen.

I need to accept it like Christopher told me.

Nausea overwhelms me, and I try to steady myself when I hear the MC speak, “Gentlemen, as you can see to my left, we have our second girl for the evening. Her name is Luscious.


What the fuck is that?

I hear the men whisper to each other, and then all eyes turn on me.

“Luscious is from New York, and although she’s the eldest of our flock being eighteen years, you can see she’s quite the beauty. Unfortunately, Luscious is no longer intact, but gentlemen, I’m sure you can still find good use for her. My God, just look at those breasts.”

My mouth opens wide as I look down at my breasts and quickly cover them. Laughter sounds from around the room, and slowly, I let my hands fall not liking that they’re giving any sort of attention to me even if it is laughter.

“You see what I mean, gentlemen? Luscious would do well at your biddings, a shy one, yet…experienced.” He emphasizes the word ‘experienced.’ I’m assuming it’s because I’m no longer a virgin. If only they knew how I becameexperienced.

Dammit, the overwhelming fear to run consumes me. I want to get out of there, but I know there’s no escaping.

“Let the bidding begin.”